🗡 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Book Club ファントムブランド第8: タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード・ Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford 🗡

Chapter 29: 黒騎士の呪縛・タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード その 4 Questions
  • What surprises JoJo about these 2 zombies, Bruford and Tarkus, that Dio has just resurrected?
  • How is Bruford’s hair like a certain plant? Why does this prevent the transfer of hamon?
  • What happens the more and more JoJo struggles?
  • What animals does JoJo compare Bruford/his situation to and why?

no gifs or song this week, sorry