よつばと! Vol 5 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Dunno what that is, but it sure ain’t a mouse. Maybe that’s a cloudy sky too…

Anyway, the trick is to refocus your eyes. White bits are the foreground, grey bit is the background. Negative spaces.

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Discussion of Chapter 34 starts here.

Chapter 34 Vocab

That’ll be it for Volume 5!

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A happy ending. And noone got hurt from running.

I quite enjoyed that chapter, actually. One or two panels threw me for a loop because of Yotsuba’s lack of kanji, but I think I got the gist.


I think this chapter and the last one were probably two of my favorite chapters in the series so far. I love the ending :3 I think the Yotsuba crew should go on more train trips - I didn’t get to comment on it last week, but I loved the train/train station scenes.

The bottom panel on pg 175 made me laugh xD Everyone’s just like “…what”
Also, for some reason, the left middle panel of pg 191 made me laugh out loud. Seashell gathering is serious business, guys xD


Okay, I’ve been a little busy this week (with crosswords and other such things), but I’m ready to read the last chapter of this volume! :smiley:


Page 184, what’s with the ファー?

風香 does seem like she doesn’t study, 頭が悪い人 :sweat_smile:

Page 193 made me laugh a lot. いつ返すの?:joy:

Good volume, as always.

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I actually got this wordplay, I was so proud of me
サーファー = surfer
輪 = ring (as in the floating thing)
輪ーファー = ring surfer


Page 97

Chapter 31, page 97, last panel.

Sorry for a late question, but I just happened to pick up vol.5 this morning, it’s where I last read up to, in order to read a few pages with the super-helpful vocab list. But I can’t find anything for 風香る.

Any ideas?

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I believe it’s actually 2 words: 風 (wind) and 香る (to smell sweet). She’s making a play on her name (although I can’t say I totally understand what she’s going on about in those bottom panels - my reaction is basically the same as Koiwai-san’s :laughing:)


If it’s (about) stars, then it has to be me, right?
cue 小岩井’s あ?
星 stars!
宇宙 space!
ロマン romance!
夢 dreams!
風香る or 風薫る the early summer breeze!
風香 Fuuka! (me!)

She’s a ロマンチック :blush:
Mostly listing things that she thinks are deep and saying she identifies with them. :stuck_out_tongue:

So ジャンボ asks her if she’s knowledgeable about celestial bodies, and we see that she isn’t at all. :joy:


Thank you so much @windupbird and @Kazzeon!
I am in awe at how you worked that out! Thank you so much!
(Poor Fuuka, I like her a lot).


She’s my fav :smiley:


Page 119

“The stars are like this, right?”

で これをつないでみると…
“so, if you look here and connect with this line…”

ほら / 白鳥座
“look / The Swan

“You can see a swan, right?”

“I can’t see it”

なー?見えねー よなー!?
“Hey, you can see it! Come on!”

Sorry to go back to page 119. I have no excuse! I don’t even have a question. Just thought it was fun.


More to the point, how did you manage to post it five times? :stuck_out_tongue:


I know! Each time I posted I spotted a mistake or typo! But they’ll all be gone in a day! :grin:

Here it would be, “Right? You can’t see it!”

And then on the next panel:
But, ancient people said they could see a swan.
Ancient people are a little weird.


Thank you @Kazzeon!

And while you have the book open…

Why does Yotsuba get upset on page 121? Her dad says “今日はおつかいもなしだな”, which I take to mean “I / we also have nothing to do today”, and Yotsuba looks angry and says “えー!?なんでだ?!” , meaning “eeeh? Why?”. It seems like a huge over-reaction. Any ideas about what is going on? Thanks again!

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There’s not really a reason besides Yotsuba wanting to go out, and not understanding why they’re not doing anything just because it’s raining.

Her dad is like, “雨だから”
and Yotsuba is like, “わけわかんないことゆーな!!” Don’t say things I don’t understand!”
Even her dad is like, “え?わかんない?”

So, :sweat_smile:

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I see! I thought I might have been missing something! Thank you again so much Kazzeon!

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Page 123

よつば 見終わったらやっぱり おつかい行くぞ

よつば - Yotsuba
見終わった - this looks like it comes from the verb 見終える, but what is the わった ending?
たら - the たら form… if, after, when
やっぱり - I know this as “as expected”, but I see Jisho has a list of definitions. Perhaps the one that fits here is “still”?
おつかい - お使い - errand
行く - to go
ぞ - masc. sentence ending

“Yotsuba, if you’ve finished watching this, we can still go on an errand”

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It’s actually from 見終わる, which is to finish watching, and comes from Verb in masu form - 終わる
It’s similar to V-始める (to start doing something), V-続ける (to continue doing something), and V-出す (to suddenly start doing something).

This seems like a good explanation

“Yotsuba, when you finish watching this, let’s go run an errand, after all.”


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