よつばと! Vol 14 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Ah, what a nice chapter. So many fun little moments I want to comment on, but it’s so tedious because there’s no page numbers.

Page 84: Love the reprise of the yoga, and Yotsuba correcting Fuuka. And then joining in on 86.

Page 89: I’m amused at Torako trying to guess the kanji for こはるこ. Was she right? We’ll find out! (Actually, I think 小春子 was my guess too, when I read it in English.) Think I’ve been to every place that someone suggested.

Page 91 and subsequent pages: Yotsuba is absurdly cute in that scarf.

Page 104: Heh. えび

Page 106: Love how Koiwai’s necklace just appears.

Page 110-111: Heh, Yotsuba’s sudden return to rationality.


I’m happy that I just assumed from the context that she meant どいて

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Don’t know if you see that のいて is a variant. :eyes:

I do realise

Are you not dropping out now? :eyes:

I was thinking about reading something else with you guys once we finish Yotsuba, but I’m not interested in Rental Onii-chan.


Yes, I am dropping out of volume 14 for a while, I just felt I didn’t need to announce it! The weekly live reading is going so well, and progress is so fast, that pretty soon it’ll hit chapters I haven’t studied yet! So I’m panicking! I’m going through pages I missed (luckily not too many) and volumes 10, 11, and 12 are totally unopened! But tonight I had an italki lesson starting volume 10 and we made good progress. It’s like the bookclub but everything super-fast! Staying ahead of the weekly live reading will involve lots of work (and lots of money that I don’t have) but I’m giving it a try! I’ll let you know when I reach volume 14!

Yes, I was planning on reading Rental Onichan, and still want to, but to be honest, Yotsuba is the priority and I really have my work cut out for me on it! Thanks so much Kazzeon for your support and thank you so much for your amazing contributions every week in the live reading!


Omg, Yotsuba throwing stuff into Yanda’s basket cracks me up xD Also…spontaneous 寿司ごっこ :rofl:
She is really flippin’ cute in that scarf
On (I think) pg 106, has Jumbo always had to contort his neck like that to fit through the doorway? :joy: I mean, I know he’s tall, but…

I googled pictures of the frogs, because why not xD

コバルトヤドクガエル (I always liked these too ^^)


Good chapter :smile:


I think we’ve seen it before, maybe sometime when Yanda was there as well?

And then there's back in volume 1...


Bugs me a teensy bit that when he catches her, she’s holding two of them under her arm, but when she throws them in the basket, three faces appear.

Took me forever to figure out what that was supposed to say, since it’s not in the Japanese Wikipedia. It’s the Namaqua rain frog.

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Torako clearly underestimates the power of Yotsuba!
She can have fun anywhere, anytime!

Is she saying that Koharuko is a person that often hits their hands and feet in corners? :thinking:

:joy: 失礼ですが :sweat_smile:


Is he saying, “I can’t imagine wanting to talk to you”? What’s with the できる想像?

Oh my God! :joy: 寿司ごっこ :rofl:

Just brilliant! :laughing:


Note the three in the first panel.
Although now that I look at it, there are three sound effects in the last one. :eyes:



On corners. Like, on the corners of tables or steps or whatever.

It’s ことができる + 想像, I think, but I can’t think of how to render it into smooth English any better than you already have. (Though from memory, the English version uses “cannot”, which is somehow even funnier.)

Gonna need to check my book to get the context on this one, but it’s a sentence with the clauses swapped - “I just did what was expected of me. Because I’m an adult.” (当然のこと is an expression meaning “what is to be expected”.)

Aye, exactly. She’s holding three in the first panel - one in her hand, two under her arm. In the second panel, she drops the one in her hand into the basket, and one face appears. In the third panel, she drops the two under her arm into the basket, but three faces appear.


Pages 97 and 98

Okay, I’ve not read this far, but…

On page 97 she puts in one box (one face) then another (making it two faces) then a third (making a total of three faces). No worries. The problem is that at the end of page 97 Yotsuba has 4 boxes in her arms and when caught at the top of page 98 she only has three. Still she adds one (one face) then two more (making a total of three faces for this page). So in total she added six boxes to the basket; the problem is that by the end of page 97 she appeared to have taken seven from the shelves.


ことができる is “to be able (to); to be possible (to)”, right?
It just doesn’t sit well with me as a sentence.

おまえに話したいこと - things I want to tell you / talk to you about
ができる想像ができん - I can’t imagine (?)

“I can’t imagine having anything I want to talk to you about.” How about this?

Which ends up being the same. Ugh, the English and the Spanish translation are different! D:<

The way I think you mean to parse it is like this:

おまえに話したい - to want to talk to you
ことができる想像 - ???
ができん - can’t


おまえに話したいことができる想像 - an imagination where (I’m able/it’s possible) to want to talk to you
ができん - can not

I’m just confused because of all the words. :weary:

I say the faces are cumulative in those two panels.


I read it as “I can’t imagine being able to want to talk to you”

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It sounds a bit weird, but I think it’s the closest translation we’ll get! :smiley:

The Yen Press translation reads “I cannot imagine what I would want to say to you.”

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Chapter 95! :pancakes: :ribbon:


Only 3 more to go!

Although, now that I look, I would say we have enough for another volume. D:<


Can someone explain to me the ticket they bought, as shown on page 121? It should look something like this:


Which is to say, where the ticket in the book reads 池袋, it should be their origin station, and where it ways 170円区間, it should say 530, what they paid. Instead, their origin station and the 530 are squished up the top, and they apparently have a ticket to travel from Ikebukuro to the 170-yen area. Unless they bough some kinda two-stage ticket (and indeed, they do change to the JR lines at Ikebukuro), except that’s not reflected at all in the dialogue on the previous page.

Also, while we’re at it, there’s no station on the Seibu network named 紫陽花. Or, indeed, anywhere in Japan. Such lies! Also, near as I can tell, there’s no station on the Seibu lines out of Ikebukuro that currently costs 530 yen to get from, but Koma in Saitama costs 540, so maybe that was just changed in last year’s sales tax increase. Or maybe the 170 is included in the 530, and the Seibu trip only costs 360…

… Which, come to think of it, may be exactly what’s going on: he’s instructed Yotsuba to buy a ticket that costs more than is required to reach any station on the line, so the machine automatically issues the extra amount as a ticket that can be spent on other lines. Like JR.

I’ve… never actually bought a Seibu ticket. I used my Suica card when I rode on it last year. If only there were someone in this thread who just so happened to live near the Seibu Ikebukuro line…

Anyway, Yotsuba in the bobble hat is so cute that it should be illegal.

Last panel of page 121: “If you let go my hand, it’s all over.” Immediate next panel on the following page: Lets go his hand.

Gasp. There’s a typo on page 125 - it says お出口 instead of オレンジ. :stuck_out_tongue:

Page 127, a whole station full of people are suddenly questioning their entire lifestyle.

Page 132-4, poor Yotsuba. Actually, on my first trip to Japan, I made a similar mistake - didn’t realise the Shinkansen tickets they give you when you make a booking with the JR Pass weren’t meant to be fed through the machines, except I walk so fast that I was through the gates before the barrier closed. Though, I’m pretty sure I didn’t accidentally hold a stranger’s hand afterwards.

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