よつばと!Vol 1 Discussion Thread (Beginner's Book Club)

I think part of the joke is that Fuuka got carried a bit carried away trying to explain her name.That’s probably the explanation she gives to adults and peers, since knowing how it’s written can help make it easier to remember. But to understand it, Yotsuba would have to know:

  • 風 - かぜ(訓)、ふう(音)
  • 香 - か(訓)、かお-る(訓)

But, since Yotsuba is ony 5 and hasn’t started school yet, there’s no way she knows either kanji and their associated readings, so of course Fuuka’s explanation goes way over her head. And I don’t think Fuuka is offended, she just feels sad, since a) it was wasted effort and b) Yotsuba probably still won’t remember her name!


I’m having trouble making out the text outside of the text bubbles on page 79. As far as I can tell, the full vocab list skips the one part that I can’t figure out, so maybe they couldn’t figure it out either.

In the text bubble, Fuuka says 「そ そっか。左かぁー」
In the next panel I can’t figure out the first thing that Yotsuba says. Then she says もつほう and Fuuka responds よくしってるね. I understand Fuuka’s response in the general sense, but I have no idea what she’s responding to since I can’t figure out Yotsuba’s part.

I think it says お茶碗持つ方「おちゃわんもつほう」, meaning “the direction in which they have rice bowls/tea cups”.

It might be a famous place they’re referencing, or something more mundane, I don’t know.

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持つ is also to hold so, “The direction (hand) (you) hold (your) bowl/cup” I suppose. Making the reply, “Very good, you know (which way left is)”.


Ahhh, of course, thank you.

Hmm, probably a rather silly question. On oh 76, Yotsuba’s father gets out of the bathroom and says, 近くで売ってるトコあったっけなあ. I understand most if this sentence as “Was there a /// that sells it around here?”, but what is トコ?

Also.can I say again Yotsuba seems weird for a kid? Never saw a swing, seems super interested in a doorbell, and seems to have picked up more phrases from her father than peers. I feel.like this suggest she’s a kid thats kinda kept at home a lot, even for a five year old… But she’s wandering around all the time! And that’s clearly a normal thing lol. So confused.


I would assume it’s the short version of 所「ところ」 meaning place


Ah that would make sense. The katakana baffled me, but it seems obvious now youve pointed it out. Thank you very much!

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I feel silly too but I’m not quite getting this part either.

Which page is that?

End of page 76.

Thank you, found it.


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Here’s what I found when going through this:

「っけ」is a particle to ask yourself or to ask somebody who shares the same memory. (source)

Also, here’s a blog post explaining it.


あった=有った, the past casual form of to exist. っけ Is a suffix that gives a feeling of trying to recall something. なあ, If I understand correctly, kind of gives the sense that you’re speaking to yourself.


This is intentional. Just run with it for now and try to puzzle things out as you go.

Page 58, 5th panel,

Yotsuba’s dad says あいさつしろよ. I’m sure this is meant to be “to greet”, using あいさつ+する, but I don’t recognise this form of する.

And also in the 6th panel,

He says まんなかの子はしっかりあいさつできる子だったぞー. The first part まんなかの子はしっかりあいさつできる I understand as “go out to greet the middle child properly”, but I don’t get the 子だった afterwards. I’d interpret this as “the child who you greeted properly is the middle child”, but I’m not sure.



まんなこ のこ 「は」 <ーーー
「しっかり挨拶」出来る 「こ」


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After taking a stab at the first few pages last night, I realized I am in a bit over my head. The vocab list is extremely helpful, but I am unable to “read” as I am translating nearly every word bubble. The super casual forms are foreign to me (well, duh, Chellykins, it’s Japanese…) and I am wondering if I am not ready to take a stab at “reading” yet, or am I underestimating the value in the translating process? I mean, even gleaning the gist using the pictures has value, right?

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しろ is the plain imperative of する. Something like: Make sure to greet them.

まんなかの子は - About the middle child
しっかりあいさつできる子 - A child who can greet properly
だったぞー - Was

The middle child was a child who can greet well.


しろ here would be the command form (explanation). He tells (“commands”) Yotsuba to greet properly.

The second sentence is roughly “Speaking of the middle child, (she) was a child who could greet properly”. He’s talking about Fuuka, who gave him a very formal and polite greeting in chapter 1 and tells Yotsuba to “watch and learn” from her.

The whole “しっかりあいさつできる” part is a qualifier for 子 in here.