ゆるキャン△ | Week 2 Discussion 🏕

meh, can’t say studying grammar has helped my speaking grammar more than just asking/copying the people I talk to…

@Radish8 I definitely don’t just ignore the bits I can’t parse when I’m reading :unamused:
and I would never skip whole sentences.
stop judging me


Page 21


じゅうごかい - 15 installments
ばらいで - ???
おねがいしまふぅ… - please (with a Nadeshiko pronunciation at the end there I guess)

Any help with that ばらいで much appreciated!

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Have you checked the vocab sheet? It’s noted as rendaku’d はらい there

Edit: Sentence search suggests it should be 回払かいはら. I assume this is more sobbing pronunciation rather than rendaku. Example sentence was wrong…

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It’s はらい, but rendaku’d :slightly_smiling_face: slightly redundant with the previous word in English, but it’s “fifteen instalment payments”.

Yup, or a least a general “slighly sobbing” pronunciation!


On that note, is the かい actually “instalments”? I thought it was the generic “occurences” counter here?


Hmm, yes - the “instalment” meaning seems to be more associated with an instalment of a story. I’ll update the vocab sheet :+1:

In which case this makes a little more sense, as “in fifteen payments, please”.


Thank you so much @theghostofdenzo and @Radish8! :smiley: :+1:


Page 30

アンタ 持ち歩かなきゃ携帯電話とは言わないのよ!

アンタ : You
持ち歩かなきゃ : Must carry around
携帯電話 : Mobile phone
とは:(Im not sure about this one, its either quoting the sentence before or its referring to “with mobile phone”)
言わない : Doesn’t say

So yeah Im not that sure about this since i keep thinking its like “I didn’t say that you have to bring your mobile phone” but since that doesnt really make any sense Im thinking its around “You must bring your phone, I don’t have to say that for you”.

But im pretty sure thats pretty off as well, so yeah what does that 言わない mean in this role since I can’t put my finger on it.


Surely it must mean “didn’t I say [that] you must carry your phone” - ?
“Didn’t I tell you to carry your phone with you?”


Pretty sure it’s something like your second sentence (I’d go with “I shouldn’t have to tell you to carry your phone”).

I’d probably break it down as
言わない(でしょう or equivalent)

The bits in brackets are roughly what I think are left implied.

The bit that initially threw me in this sentence is actually the 持ち歩かなきゃ携帯電話…I think this is the first time I’ve seen this in the wild outside of the ーきゃいけない context.
I think the 持ち歩かなきゃ is actually a contraction of the potential form 持ち歩かなければ but it feels a bit weird given the verb.

I think we need some @Naphthalene


How did you sentence search? I’ve always (mis?)heard かいばらい, that’s why I added that rendaku note. I tried to look it up at the time to make sure, but could not find a reading. My IME happily converts both with and without the rendaku, which makes me feel like in any case かいばらい isn’t completely wrong :thinking: Still, it would be nice to have confirmation.


That sentence is confusing me too. If what everyone else is saying is true, I would put it the other way around like 携帯電話持ち歩かなきゃとは

On the panel beneath that: 「カレーめんが でるぅ」Is she saying she’s gonna throw up?

Just checked with the resident expert and it is amazing…!

“If you don’t carry it with you, it isn’t called a mobile phone!”


Stupidly apparently. There’s an example sentence on jisho, but now that I think about it. According to the one comment the example is wrong, and it is rendaku’d. ローンは何回払いですか。 - Japanese example sentence - Tatoeba

すみません :bowing_man:


Ah yes, I see how that can be a confusing sentence :sweat_smile: (replying to you because of the tag)
The sentence means “you! If you’re not carrying it around, it’s not called a “portable” phone”.
なきゃ is short for なければ, the negative conditional (if is not).
Aとはいう is a structure meaning “it is called A” or “it is by definition A”, used here in the negative sense (it is not called A)


That makes a lot of sense.

@Naphthalene I had all the grammar points, but got too attached to what I assumed it should be :sweat_smile:


I do that all the time! Glad I checked with the resident expert here!


Well, I’m glad to know I’m not crazy. Well, not for that reason at least :sweat_smile:


Looking back at that page though, Nadeshiko’s sister is kinda scary :cold_sweat:


That last page is giving me creepy vibes ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )