ふらいんぐうぃっち Vol. 10 🧹

Chapter 59 - 都会の仕事


If you’ve completed WaniKani level 12, this chapter’s title is no problem for you.

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The smol cat creatures are here, the smol cat creatures are here, this is not a drill

If anyone was wondering, 豪徳寺 (Gotokuji Temple) is a real place in Tokyo, complete with all the maneki-neko statues. Tofugu even wrote an article on it, apparently. I low-key wanted to go there the last time I was in Japan but I didn’t have time :frowning:


Everything in this manga is a real place (with the possible exception of characters’ houses).

Yeah, it’s definitely on my list of places to visit, but it’s a little bit far from anything else on my list of places to visit.

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Honestly I think this was the exact reason it got cut from my itinerary lol, there was like nothing else near there and I had very limited time, so for the sake of efficiency I didn’t go…

Chapter 60 - 招き猫の要求


Welcome to the penultimate chapter. They’re getting shorter from here on out.

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What a fun chapter I loved Chito’s expression when he got his food back! I’m looking forward to how they are going to solve this.

On the last page of the chapter I was totally confused because I did not recognize Makoto at all.


Chapter 61 - 1満点の活躍


The height of this building symbolizes the wait for Volume 11.

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Page 168 in real life


(Bonus Video)


杏子さん まじ 天使 天才!

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As always this was a fun read! Now I guess we wait until early summer 2022 image


This was a fun volume. Too bad we’re already done with it :sob:


I fell behind in my Japanese studies and Wanikani lately, so I’m a bit late.

Just finished reading this volume. It was fun as always, and seeing this video made the last chapter much better. :smiley:

Reading 10 volumes of ふらいんぐうぃっち as my first Japanese manga was one of the highlights of this year for me. I enjoyed it so much and definitely learned a lot.

Now, how am I gonna wait until next summer? :pensive:


Can someone explain the last parts of the chapter?

What do the scrolls say?
Mahou Batman’s speech was hard to get.

I understood like Makoto is really important and maybe some events happened that made the exam happen. And like, you can’t leave town without notifying the association.

I didn’t expect Akita to be so messy. But she’s so cool! Kyaaaaa

I wasn’t prepared to read the end and not having more chapters to read :crying_cat_face:

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oh god this was ages ago…

it’s pretty hard to read (mahou batman even says it is herself) so I wouldn’t worry too much. my best attempt at translating it without destroying the form is

one day, light and dark will come from the same basket
from there, the unravelling of this world will begin
the fruit of the child will heal, it’s growing sprout will bloom
the light and dark will stop the steps of the east* and become the child’s guide
before that happens, the child must choose their path
whether the child becomes one of ten or carries on alone
when the time comes the young linking women** will be needed

* bit literal like this. it feels more like “stop walking from the east” to me.
** つなぎ女 is a bit of a pain to translate and I didn’t want to get too figurative…つなぎ目 means joint/link/knot, so my guess is that it’s saying the young women will be the knot that tie (the world?) together

basically mahou batman thinks makoto is linked to the prophecy and she wants to find out what kind of person she is because akane is such a mess

was that the case? I can’t remember and I can’t be bothered to reread the entire chapter :stuck_out_tongue:


Mahou batman is a girl?

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…more of a granny I guess

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He or she doesn’t look like a granny. Same with the guy with the robots or droids.





Page 158

Sorry to post a question long after you read this. Does anyone know what the fifth character is in 魔女のす*め? An English translation translates this as “Tips for witches”. I wondered about a small つ but there is one of these later in the sentence that doesn’t look similar. Thanks!

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