に after ordinal number suffix?

Another WK sentence:
This is probably my third favorite Beatles’s song.

Is the core sentence, 「この曲が好きです。」So that が and です are omitted?
But whats more confusing, what does に after 三番目くらい?

Aにする means to make something A or to decide on A. In this case it’s equivalent to saying that you would “put” the song around third place (among your favourites).

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くらい and くらいに are both valid adverbial uses. The meaning doesn’t change.


I guess i can’t choose two answers as an solution. And this one although really interesting is a bit over my head, Is する omitted or acts 好き as する or (and which is most probably the case) it doesn’t matter.

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You understand that they like the songs from the fact that they are ranking them, so there’s no need to use 好き explicitly here

Just to be clear, you do think this is ~にする?

same question. and what form of suru would be suki?

Yep, I totally read that wrong joy


The Kumirei form.

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My Japanese teacher and I had this discussion a while back. She told me that に doesn’t change meaning, but it does add emphasis. By using に here, you’re emphasizing the ranking of the song over all the other information in the sentence.

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