なぜ?どうして?科学のお話 - Section 4 Discussion Thread

I’m not the most confident in these translations but here they are. 2nd sentence in particular has me wondering if I got my verb/subject paired correctly.

どれも、「にゅうさんきん」や「こうぼきん」など、「きん」の はたらきによって、もとの 食べ物が へんしんして できました。

Whichever, lactic-acid bacili, yeast, or something similar, these foods’ origin is due to the work of these bacillus, they made the transformation possible.

ところで ヨーグルトは、おなかの ちょうしを ととのえてくれる、けんこうに よい 食べ物としても ゆうめいです。

No matter which, yoghurt is famous for helping keep the stomach in well-ordered condition, and also for being a good food that is healthy.

このききめも ヨーグルトの 中の きんの おかげです。

In addition, the bacillus in yoghurt is an aid.

EDIT: I definitely rushed this last sentence looking at @2000kanji’s translation. I somehow kinda lost このききめも and おかげ. I think I accidentally combined them in my mind as I was piecing it together.

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p. 119

For all of those, the original food could be transformed by the action of “germs” like “lactic acid bacteria” and “yeast fungi”.


By the way, yogurt is also famous as a healthy food that helps to arrange the condition of your stomach.


This effect is also due to the germs contained in the yogurt.

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Posting this without looking at the other translations, but like @matthewsa I struggled with the grammar here!

どれも、「にゅうさんきん」や「こうぼきん」など、「きん」の はたらきによって、もとの 食べ物が へんしんして できました。

All fungus/ germ/ bacilli such as “Lactobacillus” and “yeast”, are the origin of foods being able to ferment.

ところで ヨーグルトは、おなかの ちょうしを ととのえてくれる、けんこうに よい 食べ物としても ゆうめいです。

By the way, yoghurt is famous for being a good food for health, and is able to adjust our stomach’s condition.

この ききめも ヨーグルトの 中の きんの おかげです。

This effect is also from the effect of bacilli in yoghurt.

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I think this sentence is a good one to break down by stripping out the middle, and then building it back slowly from end to start. Let’s ignore the conjunction at the start of the sentence (ところで - “by the way“).

Yoghurt is famous.

ヨーグルトは、よい 食べ物としても ゆうめいです。
Yoghurt is also famous as a good food.

ヨーグルトは、けんこうに よい 食べ物としても ゆうめいです。
Yoghurt is also famous as a good food for ones health.

ヨーグルトは、おなかの ちょうしを ととのえてくれる、けんこうに よい 食べ物としても ゆうめいです。
Yoghurt, by putting in order the condition of one’s stomach, is also famous as a food which is good for ones health.

Translated as both bacteria and fungus according to Jisho. I wonder whether the best word in English is “microorganism”. “Germ” kind of implies something which causes disease to me!

Page. 119

どれも、「乳酸菌」や 「酵母菌」など、「菌」の 働きによって、 もとの 食べ物が 変身手 できました。

For each of these, the food was transformed by the work of the bacteria such as lactic acid and yeast fungus.

ところで、ヨーグルトは、おなかの 調子を 整えてくれる、けんこうに よい 食べ物としても 有名です。

By the way, yogurt is famous as a good healthy food that helps settle your stomach.

この ききめも ゴーグルとの 中の 菌の おかげです。

This effect is also aided by the bacteria within the yogurt.

Page. 120

ガムは 何から 作るの?

What is gum made from?

お菓子にも 色々 ありますが、 かんだ あとは すててしまう ガムって、なんだか、 ふしぎな お菓子だと 思いませんか。

There are many various kinds of sweets, but don’t you think gum is a mysterious candy after you chew and discard it?

昔 メキシコなどに 住んでいた 人たちが サポジラと いう 木の えきを 集めて かためた ものを かんでいたのが、ガム はじまりです。

Gum started in the old days when people living in places like Mexico collected the hardening liquid from the tree called the sapodilla which they chewed. (?)

Another killer 2 pages for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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p. 120

What is chewing gum made of?


There are various kinds of sweets, but don’t you think that the chewing gum that you throw away after chewing it, is a somewhat amazing sweet?


The origin of chewing gum is long ago, when inhabitants of Mexico and other countries collected a liquid from a tree called sapodilla which they then hardened and chewed.


ガムは 何から 作るの?

What is gum made from?

おかしにも いろいろ ありますが、かんだ あとは すててしまう ガムって、なんだか ふしぎな おかしだと 思いませんか。

There are all sorts of confections, but don’t you think that as for gum, it’s a marvelous case of a confection that you chew and throw away?

むかし メキシコなどに すんでいた 人たちが、サポジラと いう 木の えきを あつめて かためた ものを かんでいたのが、ガムの はじまりです。

Back in the day, people living in and around Mexico, would collect and harden a tree’s liquid, called “sapota”, to chew on. This is the origin of chewing gum.

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Yes, a lot of grammar to chew on.


I know this is mostly wrong but I’m posting it anyway. Totally lost on the second line.



What is gum made from?

おかしにもいろいろありますが、かんだ あとは すててしまう ガムって、なんだか ふしぎな おかしだと 思いませんか。

There are also various sweets, what after throwing away, don’t you think, wonderful sweets such as gum.

むかし メキシコなどに すんでいた 人たちが、サポジラという 木の えきを あつめて かためた ものを かんでいたのが、ガムの はじまりです。

Long ago, people living in (places) like Mexico, gathered the liquid of a tree called the sapodilla, and hardened it for chewing, is the beginning of gum.

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I read this as:
おかしにも - sweets (not exactly sure about にも)
いろいろありますが - there are various, but
かんだ - chewed (past form of かむ)
あとは - after + は
すててしまう - すてる (to throw away - in てform) followed by しまう (indicates to do regrettably or completely) = completely throwing away
ガム - gum
って - as for (essentially equivalent to は here)
なんだか - somewhat
ふしぎな - curious (or amazing)
おかし - sweet
だ - copula
と 思いませんか - don’t you think?

There are various types of sweets, but as for chewing gum (that we chew and then afterwards completely throw away), it’s a somewhat curious sweet don’t you think?


Page. 121
この かたまりは、「チクル」と よばれ、 ゴムの ように かみごたえが ありました。

The so-called “chicle” was used in order to give the gum the chewy texture.

味は ありませんが、かむ ことで のどのかわきを いやして いたと 伝えられています。

There is no flavor but it by chewing it is able to heal a dry throat.

百五十年ほど まえ、 アメリカで この チクルに、 甘い 味を つけたものが、「チューイング⋆ゴム(「かむ ゴム」の 意味)」と名付けられて 売り出されました。

150 years ago a sweet taste was added to this chicle, and was put on the market with the name “chewing gum” (the same meaning as chewing gum(?) )

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このかたまりは、「チクル」とよばれ、ゴムの ように かみごたえが、ありました。

This mass, called “chicle”, had a chewy texture like rubber.

あじは ありませんが、かむ ことで のどの かわきを いやして いたと つたえられています。

It has no taste but, in chewing it, it was said to cure dryness of the throat.

百五十年ほど前、アメリカで この チクルに、あまい あじを つけたものが、「チューインガム (「かむ ゴム」の いみ)」と 名づけられて 売り出されました。

After one hundred and fifty years, in America, with a sweet taste added to this chicle, a thing named “chewing gum” (meaning chewing gum!), began to be sold.


Today’s most difficult part was the typing of the「・(『』)」structure.

p. 121

This mass, called “chicle”, had a rubber-like chewy texture.


It has no flavor, but chewing is reported to heal the dryness of the throat.


150 years ago, this chicle was sweetly flavored and was marketed in America under the name of “chewing gum (meaning ‘chewing rubber’)”.



Reading this book can be difficult, there are lots of words (and grammar) I don’t understand. But after I read everyone’s posts it is easier.

Thank you all and I look forward to reading with everyone.


Welcome. Nice to have you here @jewna! :grinning:

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p. 122

Since then it became very popular as chewing gum. (ガム vs ゴム: rubber vs [chewing] gum ?)

Nowadays, at the base of gum, artificial ingredients are added to the natural chicle.


Recently, an increasing amount of gum contains xylitol instead of the sugar which causes tooth decay.

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それが 大人気となり、ガムに なったのです。

That is how gum became very popular.

While I think I have the meaning correct, I’m a bit unsure of the grammar.

今では、ガムの もととして、てんねんの チクルの ほかに 人工てきな ざいりょうも つかわれます。

Nowadays, even gum’s ingredients, in addition to nature’s chicle, is also made with artificial ingredients.

さいきんは、虫歯の げんいんと なる さとうを つかわない、キシリトール入りの ガムも ふえていますね。

Recently, being the cause of dental cavities, sugar is not used, xylitol is instead added to gum.

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I read the の他に as meaning artificial ingredients being used instead of chewing gum.

I enjoyed this chapter. 人工 is one of the first words you learn on Wanikani but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it in the wild before. I like the word キシリトール - the end of the word sounds like the English word but the start is quite different - maybe the Japanese take on “xy”!

I got the impression that ガム and ゴム are interchangeable for some purposes, like just talking about generic “gum” or “rubber”. But there are difference - chewing gum seems to be just ガム and ゴム can mean eraser or condom. Google image search can be quite useful with words like this - one will give you lots of pictures of chewing gum, the other lots of pictures of condoms. You might want to be careful with that last one…


the same as the xi in メキシコ.

… and one of the words where I always hesitated between にん and じん.

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P. 122

それが 大人気となり、 ゴムに なったのです。

Because of that, gum became vary popular.

今では、ゴムの もととして、てんねんの チクルの他に 人工てきな ざいりょうも 使われます。

These days, at the root of the gum, artificial ingredients are added in addition to the natural chicle.

最近は、虫歯のげんいんと なる さとうを 使わない、 キシリトール入りの ガムも ふえていますね。

Recently, sugar has not been used since it is a source of cavities, and artificial sweetener has also been put in gum more.

P. 123

どうして 鉄の 船が 水に うかぶの?

How does an iron ship float?

軽い 木や 発泡スチロールを 水に 入れるとと どうなりますか

What is the result when putting light weight wood and styrofoam in the water?

ぷかぷかと 水に 浮かびますね。

It floats in the water doesn’t it?

鉄の かたまりなら どうでしょう。

How about an iron lump?

これは あっと いう 間に しずんでしまいます。

Just like that it sinks!