Oh this part I got, I just posted it because I enjoyed watching Oru getting rid of him, it’s page 51 that gives me a lot of trouble. I can’t even tell if he’s talking about K-dog or koco.
Oops sorry, is it this one then?
I remember that I used machine translation for that one, confused me too.
Oh I read that as “completely got removed from my head” (as in, Beldarut didn’t take that into account) but I think your version makes more sense.
Very mean of you @Akashelia to delay the next chapter after such a cliffhanger.
Oops sorry, didn’t notice that I forgot to post will get it right up.
Chapter 38
Start Date: 2024-01-24T15:00:00Z
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Weekly petition for Beldarut to purchase Genki I and learn proper Japanese REEEEEEEE
Briefly looking at the first page of the next chapter it seems to be an Oru flashback special, which on one hand frustrates me because I want to see where the story will go next, but at the same time he’s really a character that’s grown on me over the course of the story so I’m curious to see what kind of shenanigans he’ll get into. Him getting annoyed at koco’s terrible “plan” to save K-dog this week was pretty funny..
By the way the view from underwater doesn’t really match what we see from above. There appears to be a thicker base above. Also how would the bridge even work?
Chapter 39
Start Date: 2024-01-31T15:00:00Z
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Pretty cool chapter, it looks like Oru and K-dog are going rogue (well, I guess K-dog was already there).
It’s also the first time since I think the very first chapter that we get some insight into the 普通の人’s side of the world. Almost feels like a different manga. Also, non-white/asian 魔法使い! Not always a given in Japanese media, so always appreciated.
I didn’t fully understand the premise of the chapter in the first few pages: you have that guy recognizing Oru because he was a sort of teacher’s assistant for him earlier? And he’d like to become Oru’s 弟子? But then Oru doesn’t want, and then that girl arrives with a letter for Oru about a client’s request and then all three of them are off to the castle to work on that? I don’t really understand how that all works out.
Chapter 39
Me neither. It felt like Highheart and Oru had some history that wasn’t fully explained or flew over my head. It’s clear he admires Oru, but I don’t think it’s ever really explained why. Also not sure how Jujie figures into it. She seems to be Highheart’s student, so why would he want to become Oru’s student if he’s already a teacher himself? I even looked up 師兄 and found this definition, but it didn’t help much, either.
Chapter 39
A new wild hat as appeared!
What kind of hat? A high hat. ハイハート… haha…
Pretty sure that’s what he thinks of Qifrey there.
Sounds like this chapter is a prologue to a big reveal that’s about to happen between Qifrey and black-beard!
That’s pretty much it I think.
The one thing I’m sure of, is that he asks to be Oru’s disciple but Oru says no, he doesn’t take any disciple (he explains why in the panel I quote above, he doesn’t think you should take disciple if there’s something else you really want and you won’t be able to prioritize having disciple. kind of like saying “I don’t want to have children because I have hobbies” I guess, it’s hard to do both things so some people choose to only have one of the two things). Also at that point Oru is bored, everybody else is busy with the exam and there are two many people at the canteen. So when high hat (or high heart I guess is better, but didn’t work as well for my joke) jumps down, after the conversation he has time to join them.
The conversation goes like that:
- High hat calls him Orugio bro-master, maybe the magical version of sensei?
- Oru says that he should stop calling him that already, at best he was his assistant
- High hat says that he wants to be able to call him his master now
- Oru says he doesn’t take disciple (and especially not someone annoying like him). And that high hat has his own disciple too, doesn’t he
- She says that it was good that they have met Oru, as an assistant to her master she was just about to send an urgent letter about some work they have to do
- Oru says he has a bad feeling about this
- High hat and girl both bow and say please come with us to the castle where the person who hired them is waiting
So as he’s bored and everybody else is busy he goes with them, the end
Chapter 40
Start Date: 2024-02-07T15:00:00Z
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Chapter 40
Qifrey activating his dark side! (a bit)
My comprehension was a bit off, what’s the secret he didn’t want Oru to understand, that he makes him forget about? That he (Qifrey) wants to get his eye back and stop the other hat clan? Or that he wants to try dark side magic?
Response to Akashelia - chapter 40
Thanks! Make sense