とんがり帽子のアトリエ Volume 3 🧙‍♀️

k-dog's character

I absolutely wouldn’t put it past him tbh. They have already shown in the past how they can just have a bunch of 魔法陣 ready to go with just a small notch in the circle, he only needs to have the memory wipe spell prepared somewhere in his 手帳.

After all if you’re caught drawing magic by a normie you want to be able to zap them ASAP.


Chapter 14

Start Date: 2024-08-02T15:00:00Z



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Another lore-heavy chapter with cool visuals:

I’m not sure I understand the very last page:

Does this mean something like “the day has come”?


Chapter 13:I think Ta-ta needs to learn the magic of labeling (I can’t believe that for all their magic they don’t have something as simple as that lol). It is weird to me how the K-man should have expected this to be a Weird-hatted shenanigan but instead of investigating on his own, he got K-OldMan involved and then had to erase his memory. Lots of miscalculations lately

Chapter 14 Reply

Yes, thats basically how I read it too :slight_smile:

In the previous panel he’s holding the bottle that ココ got from the つばり帽子 guy while he says


So I read the two panels together like “I’ve been waiting for so long. This day has finally come.” because he finally has a clue to follow.

I’m sure somebody with much better skills than me could break it down properly though. :smile:

Chapter 14

Adding to what @lucylavelle said, is it as simple as rewriting the sentence fragments in a different order?


Japanese likes to do this sometimes to emphasise a particular part of the sentence.

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I liked hearing about the girls’ different goals in this chapter. I have a feeling we might get some answers about the つばあり帽 in the next chapter??


Chapter 15

Start Date: 2024-08-09T15:00:00Z



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Seems I am always a full chapter behind, damn

Chapter 14

It’s funny that this is nightmare sequence アガット is saying things that I could totally see real アガット saying lol

I didn’t think looking determined to do something in a bad way was a look I would see in ココ

キフリ is going deep into the dark side it seems

Chapter 15

A lot sure happened in this chapter. Koko made up with Agathe and got a mystery illness. Wormy-chan got a name (but will it stick?). No luck for K-dog - not only did he manage to cause another explosion, but he also nearly drowned again and he lost his only clue. And now he’s got to face the questioning by Steak Tartare.

And I still don’t get what this guy’s plan is supposed to be.
I mean, what did they expect to happen? Isn’t it kind of obvious that the first time Koko tries to use her HyperInk™, it would alert K-dog that something fishy is going on and he’d confiscate it?


It took me a moment to realize what you were referring to but I love it :joy:

Now Orusensei is a nice simple nickname. Another banger idea from the amazing Tettia :partying_face: also I just like the face he’s making here.

chapter 15 brimmed hats

So K-dog is hunting the brimmed hats because of an「奪ったもの」? I’m not 100% on all the nuances of the ways もの is used, but my guess is that he’s referring to a person. Someone who defected to the brimmed hats at some point, possibly?

I’m with @Boodil on the bottle plan. Eyeball was talking about not wanting to hide magic from the world in a previous chapter, so at first I thought the idea was to have Coco accidentally cause havoc in front of non-magic folks. She did that with the river, but his dissatisfaction at the end here makes me think that it wasn’t his plan after all.


It was actually K-dog’s idea, back in chapter… 14, I think. Credit where credit is due.


I reckon it’s an object, a d specifically his right eye.


Wait I completely missed this 奪ったもの thing, where is it mentioned?

EDIT: oh ok, I did miss that line… But he mentions the eyeball before because of the design of the hat, no?

Although I guess it would make sense that it would be the thing in question I suppose. I never connected those dots…

brimmed hats

Frankly I’m slightly worried about this plot point. I fear that once their motivations are revealed none of this will make real sense in hindsight. It’s unfortunately a very common occurrence in this type of fantasy tale.

In particular it seems weird that coko appears to be incredibly valuable to them and they’ve been setting her up since she’s a child (I presume she wasn’t the only one to receive the picture book, but still) and yet she’s been extremely close to death or getting memory wiped like 5 times so far, and at least 3 of those were directly caused by the brim hat themselves (the stone spell at the very beginning, the dragon maze and the nitro-ink). In fact the replacement ink also almost got her memory-wiped, so I guess that’s 4.

They appear both incredibly powerful (easily outskilling K-dog, who’s probably the most powerful mage we’ve seen so far) and yet acting completely erratically.

Like what even was the point of the dragon maze thing? You’re going to tell me that they couldn’t find another way to swap her ink bottle than building a full dungeon, expecting that she would manage to defeat the dragon but lose consciousness in the process at which point they’ll be able to put a portal in the bottle? Or was there another objective? What if the dragon cooked her?

plot discussion

It will be very interesting to go back to this post in 10 volumes! (Or earlier, who knows)
I for one was not very impressed by the dragon, given that it could be defeated with warm mushy pillows :sweat_smile:

Incompetent villains

Yeah, I’ve also been burned too many times and have been worrying about this since the beginning, too.

Not to mentioned they ported Koko into the dragon labyrinth under such uncontrolled circumstances they accidentially took 3 other people with her. Way to be sneaky, dude.


Never work with animals or children.

plot discussion

We had a bit of explanation in chapter 7:

Koko is a seed that he planted and has been waiting to bud for a long time.

Did she like the challenge he created for her? Did it help with her development?
He can teach her things that Qifrey can not.
A time is coming for her….
And he has a present for her.

So the maze wasn’t just about getting her the ink bottle. It was a challenge to help her development, part of a long slow goal of stimulating her development for some unknown future purpose.


It would be appropriate if the eyeball mage has the eyeball motif because he steals eyes, including K’s. It’s an interesting idea for sure.

Villain and plot hole thoughts

I do agree that these villains are being written, at least in part, for short term drama over planned plot/character development. It’s likely that not everything will neatly fit together later on. When you’re working with long term periodicals with larger than life plots, it’s rare to get perfection. You have to both stay interesting and keep up a potentially complicated continuity, all while dealing with deadlines, pressure from editors and audience, etc…

Are we really there yet, though? It’s so early in the story. Eyeball seems like an imperfect schemer, sure, but that doesn’t necessarily take away from the mystery he represents.

My only complaint might be that he’s a bit too mysterious, because even though he keeps showing up, we don’t actually know a lot about what he’s doing or planning. He didn’t care about accidentally trapping the other kids in the pocket dimension, which suggests that they didn’t get in the way of what he wanted. We don’t know if the dragon was actually going to kill her or if it was magically leashed to prevent killing, like it was leashed to protect the circle. Looking back, it didn’t actually take much initiative. We know almost nothing about his intentions with the bottle, or with Coco. Coco is important somehow but we don’t understand how she’s important. It’s frustrating to me not because the plans don’t make sense, but because we don’t have enough information to know if they make sense or not.

The author needs to find a better balance between giving us enough information to help us understand what’s going on, and withholding enough information that there are still mysteries to unravel. That said, I’m enjoying the story a lot. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.