しろくまカフェ 🐻‍❄ Book Club Home Thread [Now Reading Vol 5]

I dropped cause of life in general, but I hope to catch up. It’s not a very difficult book club for me (compared to FMA at any rate :skull:) so whatever schedule you guys settle on, I’ll make it work :muscle:t2:


I voted for one week as my preference, but wonder if the poll is actually aimed at those catching up still? Happy to wait longer if others would find this helpful to catch up and read the last volume together.


Here are the chapter match ups for vol 5;

Chapter number original vol 5 Chapter number bis Volume
1 99 4
2 77 4
3 78 4
4 100 4
5 83 4
6 84 4
7 85 4
8 86 4
9 87 4
10 88 4
11 89 4
12 90 4
13 91 4
14 92 4
15 93 4
16 94 4
17 95 4
18 96 4
19 97 4
20 98 4

I’ve found two chapters that don’t appear in bis volumes 3&4:
Chapter 72 (bis vol 3)

Chapter 82 (bis vol 4)


Kiiiind of, it’s for everyone but sort of like if there’s people wanting to catch up before we finish up then I’d give their votes more weight? So we can all finish it together as @mitrac suggested somewhere

Thanks again for the chapter numbers, greatly appreciate it :pray: that’s some unfortunate jumping at the start for bis readers :sweat_smile:

Bis chapter 82 is the last park of our volume 4 (orig) thread I believe (ch18 vol4 for orig), not sure about 72 I feel like it looks familiar but I could be imagining it. Maybe it was one of the bonus coloured chapters or something in the orig volumes


You’re right we read 82.

Chapter 76 - which is the first chapter of bis vol 4. I don’t think I’ve seen a match for this:


Ah yeah I’ve not seen that

I think we can just do what we did last thread and people read additional stuff when they come across it


Honestly, knowing myself, if you all gave me a bunch of extra time to catch up I’d think, ‘great, now I have extra time to procrastinate!’ and just put it off anyways :joy: So don’t worry about me. I’ll make an effort to catch up in the next couple weeks though, it really doesn’t take long to read.


I can confirm this is bis only (I just read it and you can see a copy of しろくまカフェ bis 4 in one panel :sweat_smile:)

A bit late to ask…
Does anyone know why the author shuffled some chapters for the bis publication?


I don’t know but they clearly weren’t thinking about us poor book club readers! Looks like the last volume will be fairly straightforward for the bis readers. We will read chapters 99 and 100 out of sync at the start, read chapter 76 on our own, and then from chapter 83 onwards we’ll just be reading straight through.


I saw these and couldn’t help myself :smile: Penguin is a lot bigger than expected though lol


They are very nice. They look perhaps hand crafted from wood? The big question of course is whether penguin is standing up or sitting down!


That’s a very good question indeed, I vote for sitting

And yeah handcrafted wood :+1:


Adorable, they will be nice reminders of this great manga and club :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Slightly late but as per the poll we’ve taken five and had a one week break and can now read the final volume! Its the five-al countdown

So get ready for a frivolous fabulous fantastic fashionable fascinating fifth wheel of a volume! You’ll get 5 star :star: treatment from this book, and I for one plead the fifth to giving it any criticism! Grab your five guys and lets get started!

Gimme a high five :raised_hand:


One more to knock down anyone still standing :sweat_smile::smile::joy: