かがみの孤城 Week 2

I might have mistook 面 for face. I’m too used to fantasy characters ha ha.
Thank for the answers, I never thought it would spring so much conversation

I just reached this part in the manga, and thought it amusing how it went there.



I have half-Japanese nieces (and one nephew), and they live in a rural area in Eastern Japan. One of them didn’t go to school for nearly a year. It didn’t seem like my sister thought it was a huge deal-- she was a little concerned, but not frantic or anything.

Teachers do call, and visit, and offer to pick up her kids and drive them to school themselves, but it sounded overall less like an emergency than it would be here.

The parental reaction to Kokoro somehow felt really familiar.


I have a small question around 10%.



For the 声が喉に絡からまない part, is that a set phrase? Or is it just being poetic by saying that her voice didn’t get tangled in her throat, as in her voice normally doesn’t come out properly but this time it did?


I was wondering about that too! (I didn’t get around to asking it.)

The closest thing in the dictionary was 喉に絡んだ痰 (have phlegm stuck in one’s throat).

Sort of in the same vein: I like how it is described on p. 54 how she falls asleep as if she is dissolving: 溶けるように眠りに落ちた。Possibly also a set phrase?

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