おじさまと猫 (Ojisama to Neko) Chapters 15 & 安心安全設計 (extra) Discussion

Things that warm my soul better than any onsen: おじさまと猫

I can’t get over how ojichan is reminded of his kids by Fukumaru crying at the music room door

Also what is もにゃもにゃ supposed to mean? p79, leftmost panel. It’s followed by suru, but jisho.org didn’t have anything for mona(mona)(suru) or monyamonyasuru.

I’m working on catching up to everyone, slowly but surely…

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A coworker fluent in English happened to stop by and she said that もにゃもにゃis nekoben of ざわざわ! How that connection works, I’m not sure, but I trust her judgment. She said in this case it’s a certain sort of feeling that doesn’t translate well into English. She said it was that Fukumaru was feeling a sort of nostalgia or sympathy on behalf of or for ojichan.

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