えほんのチャレンジ:0歳 "Picture Book Challenge: Age 0"

Link doesn’t work for me?

Hmm, which link? All links are working for me on my mac in Chrome!

Sounds cool!! I’ve been looking for something really really really REALLY easy xD can’t get any easier than Age 0 lol


Not sure if this is what Gsai was talking about, but the link to EhonNavi warns of an insecure connection on my browser. It’s fixed if you add in the www. portion of it, like so: https://www.ehonnavi.net/

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Bookmarked and will get started when I get home from work. Much excite!

EhonNavi Error


I get the same error - Not sure how to get around this…
Any clues, I’m pretty computer illiterate but I want to see if I can do the challenge.

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@Gsai @CheeseSwiftly @AmandaB

I’ve fixed the EhonNavi link to include the www, so that should work now. When clicking on it from the first thread, can you confirm that it works fine now? Thanks!


Also if you plan on tracking your progress here on WK, don’t forget to add yourself to the wiki in the second post :heart:!

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Looks good on my end :+1:

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Thanks that looks better!
And thanks for making this post! :high_touch:

Sorry - I don’t want you to get spammed every time I edit so I’m going to start a new post. Sorry!

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I’m totally new in the community, so maybe I’m missing something, but when I click edit there is no “edit wiki” button… Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing the resource!! I (tried to) read お月様の数え歌!/おつきさまのかぞえうた。What a cute book! Not super successful yet, but that’s why I’m here!

Cheers for the great resource and idea!




Can people edit wiki’s if they’re not member status in the community yet, though? :thinking:

Edit: nevermind, I just checked the badge. You indeed only need Basic status to edit wikis.

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Here’s what I see when I click that link:
I guess membership here is different than WK? Because I pay for the site…

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That button shows the edit history.

From when we used to list individual members of the book club, I remember basic trust users being unable to edit the wiki, so that’s probably the issue. I’m sure somebody here can edit it for you :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not about paying for the site; the forums have a ‘trust level’ system which basically means your abilities are slightly restricted until you’ve interacted a certain amount. It’s to make it harder for people to sign up and instantly start spamming them or trashing everything. It doesn’t take long to become a ‘member’ though :+1:


Do you see this button?

(haha, totally wrong capture there for a sec)

And if you can’t edit it yet, that has to do with Discourse “levels.” As you participate more with the forums, you go from Basic to Member and such. That unlocks more likes, and also things like wiki post edits. If you can’t edit it yet; you’ll be able to in time. ^^ It’s not something WK can control, I’m afraid. The forum they use is a Discourse forum.

Edit: yes, what @Radish8 said. XD


Haha, I was like… I do not think that is the image they meant to link :eyes: :joy: just waiting for the ninja edit…


I just stared at it for a second in total confusion. :joy: I didn’t realize there were two things titled capture on the desktop, so I grabbed the first one.

By which I of course mean: you saw nothing!


Gotcha! Thanks y’all! @Omun @Radish8


Books I read:

No. Title Date read Contents
1 かばくんいまなんじ 2019-02-28 Numbers, daily activities giseigo
2 赤ちゃんのことばあそび 2019-02-28 Baby gibberish sounds
3 あいさつのえほん 2019-02-28 Err… greetings?
4 さわさわもみじ 2019-02-28 Weather giseigo, colours
5 ぶっぶーどらいぶ 2019-03-01 Car sounds giseigo
6 ぼくのいす? 2019-03-01 Adjectives, animals
7 りんごりんごりんご 2019-03-01 Giseigo, interjections
8 どうぶつのおやこ 2019-03-01 Animal names, verbs
9 おはよう 2019-03-02 Morning activities
10 このあななぁに? 2019-03-02 Animal names
11 ほらそっくり 2019-03-02 Animal names, giseigo
12 なになになあに? 2019-03-02 Animal names, giseigo
13 かたち 2019-03-03 lolwut? No text, just shapes
14 ココロのヒカリ 2019-03-03 More a modernist poem
15 しゅっしゅぽっぽ 2019-03-03 Train giseigo
16 いちご 2019-03-03 Eating giseigo
17 おやすみ 2019-03-04 Evening activities
18 もこもこもこ 2019-03-04 Giongo
19 ぽんぽんポコポコ 2019-03-04 Giseigo
No. Title Date read Contents
20 よるのこどものあかるいゆめ 2019-03-04 Dreams
21 あいうえお 2019-03-05 The first 5 hiragana
22 いち、にの、さーん。 2019-03-05 Playing giseigo
23 ひかり 2019-03-05 No text, just pictures of animals
24 ひよこ 2019-03-05 Chick giseigo
25 こどもずかん 2019-03-06 Animals, plants, foods, vehicles, etc.
26 おばけのアイスクリームやさん 2019-03-06 Animal giseigo
27 つみき 2019-03-06 Number kunyomi
28 たべものへんしーん 2019-03-06 Food giseigo
29 あかちゃんたいそう 2019-03-07 Baby giseigo
30 いのち 2019-03-07 No text, just pictures of animals
31 おめめおはなおくち 2019-03-07 Body parts
32 あかちゃんごおしゃべりえほん 2019-03-07 Everyday objects, toys
33 ぴよちゃんのおともだち 2019-03-08 Animal names, animal giseigo
34 くらげのりょかん 2019-03-08 Grandpa and Takechan’s adventure
35 ながれ 2019-03-08 No text, just pictures of water
36 いっこさんこ 2019-03-08 Counter word こ
37 いろいろばあ 2019-03-09 Colours
38 かたちの絵本 2019-03-09 Shapes and colours
No. Title Date read Contents
39 リズム 2019-03-09 Katakana drum sounds
40 しーっ 2019-03-09 Shhh…
41 おててたっち 2019-03-10 Animal names
42 もっといろいろばあ 2019-03-10 Colours
43 ことば 2019-03-10 Movement giseigo
44 あかちゃんごおしゃべりずかん 2019-03-10 Baby words for everyday objects
45 赤ちゃんずかん 2019-03-11 Everyday objects
46 Colors 2019-03-11 Colours in English and Japanese
47 きもち 2019-03-11 No words, just feelings
48 しんかんせんだいしゅうごう! 2019-03-11 Various shinkansen trains
49 ことばの絵本 2019-03-12 Movement giseigo
50 いただきまーす 2019-03-12 Food
51 おでんわもしもししましまちゃん 2019-03-12 Answering the phone
52 ママ、あのね 2019-03-12 Animals
53 いろいろいちご 2019-03-13 How to make strawberry parfait
54 おやすみペンギン 2019-03-13 Animals and fruits
55 おはなつんつん 2019-03-13 Baby play
56 Animals 2019-03-13 Animals and sounds
57 ころころとんとん 2019-03-14 Movement giseigo
No. Title Date read Contents
58 かわいいね 2019-03-14 Nature giseigo
59 ききゅう 2019-03-14 Potential form and た-form
60 パパのぼり 2019-03-14 て(い)る-form
61 色のえほん 2019-03-15 Colours, movement giseigo
62 くるくるなあに? 2019-03-15 Animal names
63 に~っこり 2019-03-15 Play giseigo
64 パパおふろ 2019-03-15 Shower and bath giseigo
65 おさんぽさんぽ 2019-03-16 Animals, movement giseigo
66 おでこぴたっ 2019-03-16 Animals
67 かくれんぼしましょ 2019-03-16 Hide-and-seek in Japanese
68 にこにこばぁ 2019-03-16 Colours and colour combinations
69 ぱかっ 2019-03-17 Animals
70 うるしー 2019-03-17 Magic
71 モイモイとキーリー 2019-03-17 Movement giseigo
72 おつきさまのかぞえうた 2019-03-17 Counting 1 to 10
73 もいもい 2019-03-18 Cute shapes and gibberish
74 たまごがあるよ 2019-03-18 Animal giseigo
75 はじめてのABC 2019-03-18 Romaji

I love this!

I added my name to the list, and I will get reading soon! :slight_smile: