【LV1-5 w/ Template】Tell me about the size of your 耳


How big is your ears?

Answer Template


My ear is [SIZE].

Size Vocab

Big: 大きい
Medium: 中ぐらい
Ordinary: ふつうぐらい (Literally means about ordinary)
Average: へいきんぐらい (Literally means about average)
Small: 小さい
Very: とても


Note: This thread is meant to be beginner friendly. If you are an advanced learner, please be kind by putting furigana on the LV6+ kanji by using the following html!


I hope I said that correctly.

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わたしの耳は見えないので分からないです。ふつうな耳は 希望きぼうします。 :sweat_smile:

edit: since I can’t see my ears, I don’t know. I hope they are normal ears.


I’m on phone and can’t check a dictionary at the moment…

it’s hope…

I’ve got a lot to learn yet, I should read more carefully. I was wondering whether your ears were invisible and unknown. I should have recognized the ので.




Well, I don’t know if it is the correct way to say what I wanted to say. We’ll have to wait for やさしいマミさんのこたえ。。
わたしももっと勉強べんきょうしなければならない!!まだ、初級しょきゅうです!I also have to learn a lot! I am really still a beginner


Let me see if I got it right.

“Since my body is small, maybe my ears are small too”

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そのとおりです! :grin:


そうじ: cleaning


Since @kaiganさん already taught you the meaning, I’ll teach you some seemingly useless but mouthful and challenging word:

希望小売価格 (きぼうこうりかかく)
a recommended retail price(RRP) / a manufacturer’s recommended price (MRP)

It’s difficult to say this 10 times super quickly…




@TheCodingFox Yay!

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What a silly mistake I made, I should know how adjectives work.


ただすことにありがとうございました。たくさん 間違まちがいだったね。




I think I’m in over my head, I’m still pretty bad at Japanese.
What’s the function of 何だろう in this context? だろう means “isn’t it” or “probably”. My best interpretation is “You say “ばかり耳”, what is it?
In my last post I intended to say “It’s not difficult, since they’re just ears.” I must have gotten it wrong.

「ばかり耳」とは「just ears」とおもいました…
「はじめる」とは「begin」とで「きく」とは「hear」とであれば、「はじめてききました」とは「began hearing」ですか?


何だろう means I wonder what, so ばかり耳って何だろう means I wonder what ばかり耳 is.
Your interpretation is pretty close! おつかれさまです\(^o^)/

はじめて means for the first time, ききました is the polite form of きいた, which is the past tense of きく (hear), so はじめてききました means I’ve heard it for the first time.

It’s not difficult, since they’re just ears.

For this, you could’ve said:
I omitted それらは because we know what we were referring to already.

It’s just nose.

ただの can be replaced with たんなる as well, but I’d say it sounds a bit more literal.

Now it’s exercise time!

Please translate the following sentences into Japanese:
It’s just eyes.
It’s just a flower.
I’m just a fox.

What is the exact meaning of ただ and たんなる?
How do ばかり and だけ relate to it?

How do I know when it’s good to use よ? If I were to interpret it as " , you know. " I’d never use it since that’s not how I usually speak in Englishよ.



I’ll just paste dictionary answers with a lot of example sentences here. Don’t try to understand everything, but just to get the nuance difference by skimming the examples. And let me know if some points are still not clear afterward. I’ll try to explain :slight_smile:

ただの 形容詞
1 【普通の】
ordinary (↔ extraordinary) ;【普通によく見られる】common;【通例の】usual (↔ unusual) .
▸ あれはただの女ではない
She is no ordinary woman.She isn’t just any woman.
▸ ただの風邪だ
It’s the common cold.
▸ ただならぬことが彼に起きた
Something unusual [(深刻な) serious] has happened to him.

たんなる 【単なる】
【ほんの】mere, 【単純な】simple.
▸ 単なるうわさにすぎない
It’s a mere [╳a simple] rumor.
▸ それは単なる計算ミスだ
It’s a mere [a simple] miscalculation.

―ばかり 副助詞
2 【…のみ】
【唯一の】only, ⦅やや書⦆ sole;【ほんの, 単なる】mere (!以上はいずれも通例限定的に) ;【ただ…だけ】only, ⦅やや書⦆ alone. (⇨―だけ)
▸ 女の子ばかりのバンド
an all-girl band.
▸ 彼らは彼女にばかりつらく当たった
They were hard on only her [her alone]. (!alone を用いる方が強意的)
▸ その子は泣くばかりで何も言わなかった
The child only cried and said nothing.
▸ 彼の語ることは昔の話ばかりだ
The only thing he talks about is the past stories.⦅話⦆He ónly talks about the old :arrow_lower_right:days.
▸ 私に頼ってばかりいないで自分のことは自分でするようにしなさい
You should not keep turning to me but try to take care of yourself.
▸ 状況は悪くなるばかりだ
The situation is getting worse and worse. (!比較級+比較級で「ますます」の意)
▸ 計画はできた. 後は実行に移すばかりだ
Now that the plan is completed, nothing remains but to put it into practice.
▸ その戦争は罪のない人々の命を奪ったばかりでなく, 彼らが長い間守り続けてきたありとあらゆるものをも破壊してしまった
The war destroyed not only innocent people but also everything they had cherished for a long time. (⇨のみならず)
▸ しかもそればかりじゃないよ. えらく費用がかかるんだ
And that’s not all. It’s terribly expensive.
▸ 子供たちと遊んでばかりはいられない
I can’t play with my children all the time [⦅話⦆ forever].
▸ 日本は米国追随ばかりが能ではない⦅すべてではない⦆
For Japan only following in the footsteps of the U.S. is not everything.

―だけ 副助詞
1 【限定】
【ただ…だけ】only, just (!後の方が口語的. 修飾される語句の直前に置くのが原則) , ⦅やや書⦆ alone (!通例名詞・代名詞の直後におかれ, 直前は不可. ⦅話⦆ では強意的) ;【単に】simply, ⦅やや書⦆ merely. (ただ⇨① , ⇨―しか)
▸ 彼だけがその事実を知っている
Only he [He alone] knows the fact.He is the only person that [who] knows the fact.【彼を除いて誰もその事実を知らない】Nobody knows the fact except [but] him.
▸ 彼の頭にあるのは仕事のことだけだ
He thinks of nothing but his work.⦅話⦆He ónly think of his :arrow_lower_right:work. (!話し言葉では普通 only を動詞の直前, 助動詞や be 動詞の直後に置き, 音調によって修飾関係を明確にする)
▸ このことは母さんに言わないでよ. 心配させるだけだから
Don’t let Mom know this. It will only cause a lot of worry for her.
▸ 彼はその容疑者と友達だというだけで逮捕されたのですか
Was he arrested just [simply] because he was friends with the suspect?
▸ それを食べるのかと思っただけで吐き気がした
I felt sick just to think I had to eat it. (!次例より口語的) The very [mere] thought of eating it sickened me.
▸ 彼は運がよかっただけだ
He was just lucky.He was lucky and nothing more. (!後の方が強意的)
▸ いつあなたと2人だけで会えますか
When can I see you alone? (!この alone は「2人だけで」という日本語に対応するのではなく, また you を修飾するのでもなく, I を修飾して「私1人だけで」という意. 結果的に日本文の意味になる)
▸ 彼らは部屋にいるのが自分たちだけ[2人だけ]だということに気づいた
They found themselves alone together in the room.

よ makes it more friendly and sound like you are addressing me. Without it, it sounds like you are just stating your opinion.

ぜんぶ正しいです。(^^)/ Good job!