本好きの下剋上: Week 8 discussion

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Week 8

Start Date: October 3rd
Previous week: Week 7
Next week: Week 9


Chapters 21 - 23 (お料理奮闘中, 木簡と不思議な熱, 会合への道) (36 pages/ 11%)

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun! :books:


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0 voters


Except not in the first chapter! The first chapter was absolutely dreadful. It was the first time the entire book that I started skimming, though not much since I wanted to make sure not to miss anything important. But turns out there was nothing important to miss…


This week is more than just the first chapter :stuck_out_tongue:
Still, can’t you relate to the anguish of a Japanese person with no miso and no shoyu? Also no fish.


Read about half the first chapter and while I COMPLETELY understand why it might not be to everyone’s taste, I’m really enjoying it :smile: I love cooking and most of this food vocab is familiar to me already so it’s pretty smooth.

Are we going to learn more about why radishes scream when you cut them here? and bleed red? Did mom casually put a mandrake on the counter for her 3 y/o daughter to cook with? One suddenly wonders whether this new world is not quite as grounded in reality as it originally seemed…


Have you not eaten the screaming radishes in our world? I hear they taste good.


(Second chapter)

So the stuff with the fever was interesting. I assume this is the “plot” @Naphthalene was referring to. So we have a mysterious disease, that to a certain extent Main can influence depending on her mental state. I’m sure we’ll find out more about this as the story continues.

(Third chapter)

Mostly a prep chapter, but it was fine. I love how what should have been a casual meeting turned into a huge job interview. :laughing: The next chapter seems to continue right from here based on the title, and that’s the last chapter before the epilogue (excluding bonus chapters), so hopefully something big happens to shake things up.


Just want to put it here but I believe to link to this thread in the main thread and in week seven is not bringing at the good thread.

This week spoiler

The first chapter was hard to understand since I am not particularly knowledgeable in Japanese food, spices, or other thing related to food. Since the Chapter had no important information for the main plot I just read it fast in some parts. I got the gist of it. Took some time to understand what happened with the living radish that was bleeding. Then Mayne just brushes it off like nothing. Dancing shroom, or bleeding radish? Whatever. I wanted to have more info but she does not seem to care a lot.

The part with Lutz was soooo cute. Yes Lutzt you only do it to meet the おっと. :smirk:
I found it funny that I take things for granted because I know the anime but forgot the character does nit know them. I was like “Yeah obviously he was bringing someone else… wait was it mentioned or anywhere?”

Btw I had trouble at some point and I stumbled upon the manga in Japanese. I will just leve it here in case someone else want to look at it. It is pretty similar to the light novel but with a picture to help my understanding. manga It starts at the second chapter of this week and go slightly beyond. You have been warned. The picture are so cute though.


While I enjoyed it, that first chapter felt a bit long. I just want to get back to the clay pencils!


It didn’t just feel long. It was long!


Second chapter was a lot more fun. I really enjoyed that


Just finished up this week’s chunk and I gotta say, ルッツ is very fortunate to have マイン in his life right now I think. We’ll find out what happens next week, but I have a feeling he would have been in a sorry state without her help to prepare.


All caught up! Even after knowing how thing will go, I’m still nervous about the next chapter


The first chapter was probably my least favorite so far. The second chapter was painful to read with the mum burning errything. But it somehow managed to still be kinda wholesome. The third chapter was nice, also wondering if something big is coming up since we are almost at the end.


I got so mad with the mom!