日常 | Week 3 Discussion 🦌

Chapters 4 & 5

Pages 35 - 50

Start Date: 8th May
Last Week: Chapters 2 & 3
Next Week: Chapter 6

Nichijou 1

日常 Home Thread

Vocabulary List

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Once again, just hold off till Monday before asking questions about chapter 5, please - thank you!


I didn’t think it could get weirder… I was wrong :man_shrugging:


The chapters continue to get more ridiculous - and I am loving it!

p. 35

I think I have seen this often enough to understand it, but I want to make sure:
The ですね here is not necessary for the sentence right? It just kind of connect this speech bubble with the one on the next page. The actual sentence would be
「そんなことより ですね 早くこれとって下さいよ〜」?


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I got the overall gist of chapter 4 where robot-girl is basically having an existential crisis.
I completely didn’t understand chapter 5. Feels like every panel has unfamiliar words. Will reread it several times with vocab later



I was also confused with this part. Especially what より means in this context.



In this sentence what is the meaning of 決まる? Jisho has “to look good (of clothing); to be stylish; to suit one” as one of the meanings but I’m not sure.
決まる - Jisho.org


Hello everyone,
I’ve been reading through some of the old book clubs and decided to tag along with this one.

The book has so far been pretty challenging, especially because it’s so wacky. Also I’m having some trouble with some of the smaller fonts since the furigana are quite tiny. Luckily I could guess them in most cases or recognize the Kanji.

I try to read each chapter without looking words up and for chapter 4 I understood the gist, I think. The shorter sentences were mostly fine but I was lost during most of the longer ones. When I’m going through it a second time I’ll hopefully have a question or two so I can participate a little bit more.


This is the same より used for comparisons. It means “than” or “rather”. In this case, なの is using it to change the subject. Rather than talking about why はかせ welcomed her two times, she wants to talk about removing the thing she has attached to her back.

に決まっている is a expression that means “obviously” or “naturally”

This phrase comes from the 決まる verb that means “to be decided / to be settled / to be fixed” => something has been decided already, so it should be obvious / normal / natural.

そんなのカワイクないからに 決まって るじゃないですか

そんなの => that thing (in this case, thing would be “being found out to be a robot”)
カワイクない => is not cute
から => because (this is here since she’s answering はかせ’s question)
決まって る => obviously
じゃないです => isn’t it
か => particle to indicate a question (?)

Obviously because such a thing is not cute, is it!?


Yeah this keeps getting weirder, I think I’m getting the picture though.

the robot girl just wants to me more normal! Though have i got it right that one of her arms is a gun and the other is a fish cake? What use is the fish cake??




ロボはちくわってが食べられますか? :sweat_smile: :joy:

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also it’s ちくわ since the って isn’t part of the noun

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そうですねー And whoops, my bad, thanks :blush:

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I’m actually surprised that I understood the chapters this week more than the ones before, maybe it’s because I’m more familiar with the characters and the surroundings, i don’t know but I’m quite happy about it :partying_face:
As for chapter 5 I didn’t understand each and every word and for me it’s a bit tiring to look up every word so I just looked up a few which was enough to roughly understand it. I realised, that I still lack a ton of vocab, but working on it day after day :muscle:


I don’t know why shinonome is so concerned… she’s totally a normal girl :grin:

Ch 4 was relatively easy to understand the gist of, but was I confused on some of the sentences… mostly the first page. Tried translating a few below, but have questions.

pg 36

イスにはすわりにくいしみんなには巻かれるしで それでも なんと かゴマかしたんですよ?

すわりにくい → hard to sit
巻かれる → be wound

Translation: “Because it’s hard to sit in a chair and because I am wound by everyone… nevertheless did I somehow deceived them?”

I struggled with this one… What is the ‘で’ doing in ‘巻かれるしで’? is it just a conjunction? Is this translation right?

pg 36 part 2


Translation: “Because I have a screwdriver attached to me, won’t I not receive normal girl treatment?”

I generally think i got this one right… she’s worried that they won’t treat her normally. The double negatives and くれる just make it a bit complicated…

pg 36 part 3


Translation: “It’s said that you’re popular?” (guessed from context?)

I don’t really know what’s going on with ‘でる’ here… I don’t think it’s the verb ‘出る’ correct? I initially wanted the 'で’ to be the preposition, but honestly no clue.


I have two questions about ch. 5, both on the same page, and both from sasahara :sweat_smile:

p. 44


What does 自学あるの mean here? She is asking, if he has 自学, so if he has studied for this position beforehand? Or is this just some expression to ask if someone has previous experience in something?


I have some trouble with 備える. Is he saying, that he already has a role/duty? Or that he is already prepared for that role?
I also don’t know if he means duty (Since he is explaining that he is always serious), or if he is talking about a role from the drama club.
Any help one this one is much appreciated!


Where did you find this translation? On Jisho, and in the vocab sheet it is 巻く - to wind; to coil etc.
I thought this meant, that when the others (her school friends) are around, the screwdriver might move.
Not sure about the purpose of で though :face_with_monocle:

Not sure either. At first I thought it was some weird contraction for でしょう, but I now see that that makes no sense :sweat_smile:
Maybe it is this?
人気が出る, with the particle が being dropped?


Isn’t it just passive? So spring (topic of conversation) is being wound (passive) by everyone (皆)


… I guess I have never seen that english word before :joy:
sorry, I thought of “to hurt someone” or “inflict a wound” when I read that.

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