古見さんは、コミュ症です。 😱 (Beginner Book Club) ・ Week 7

Week 7 1 April 2023
Chapter 14
End page 130
Page count 18
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There is definitely some added benefit to reading the manga instead of watching the Netflix series: you get to enjoy furigana shenanigans :grin: I was quite surprised when I looked up 絶対領域 as a single word lol

Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 20.45.50


Another nice chapter - this is probably one of the book clubs I’m enjoying the most right now, there’s some new vocab for me but I still manage to read quite fluently so I can still enjoy the story without too many breaks.

Spoilers - end of chapter

I died here lmao. Was not expecting that at all

PS, shout out to whoever filled the vocab sheet - you were faster then me, so I really appreciate the time saved there :joy:


When I read that I was honestly confused lol. If there’s a joke in there, I didn’t get it


So apparently the maru is hiding the word ライザップ, and the thing being talked about here is this:
赤井英和 CM RIZAP (ライザップ) - YouTube
You can, uh, use this information however you see fit

I’m now way too curious about what she’s trying to solve.
Looks to me like z3-2y-2y2+5x-5…, which is of course a single equation with 3 variables, so I would assume it’s asking for integer solutions. But sadly this scene wasn’t included in the anime, so can’t even check the full thing :angry:

I absolutely love this 責任 being on her back.

Some transcription:



If it helps any, I think that’s an x at the start.

I read this as 白いお米 :rice:


Is it? I checked a completely legal not at all immoral please don’t kill me source online, since those seem to have higher quality images for some reason. It definitely looked like it has curves.


Here’s how I’m seeing it:

image image

(I’m not as sure about the number; just showing a comparison of the x.)


When comparing it to it’s x neighbours, it definitely seems to me like the middle part is a single line. But I get caught up on the most important aspects.

With a bit more effort, I figured it out.



It’s a stick figure kicking a !

My work is done here.


Yeah, me too haha.
So I looked into it and found this on the English Wikipedia page for 絶対領域 (yes that page exists):

So it may well be that the author of Komi-san intended the original meaning for the phrase of an “absolute (own) domain” and not the meaning it has now become. Although the other way around would be funny, I don’t see how “exposed skin between top of knee-high socks and hemline of skirt” would make any sense here :laughing:

Edit: Japanese Wikipedia page for confirmation

It is this page 絶対領域 - Wikipedia and it says the following under 萌え用語としての絶対領域 (original meaning of 絶対領域):

So, it’s confirmed as the original meaning of “a holy territory that can’t be invaded by anyone”.


Finally got to read the chapter today!

I really like your interpretation here, especially since it has the furigana personal space. Never would’ve made the evangelion connection on my own though, so thank you for finding that :laughing: