又 Accelerated

Due to its previously having been moved from level 2, the kanji 又 is in an accelerated timeframe as if it were still on level 2 despite actually being level 51.


@Mods Is that intentional?


I would imagine this is not deliberate, I’ll check with the content team and let you know. Thanks for the heads up!


Hopefully if some kind of change has to be made it will not change srs level


I’m not sure I completely understand what the problem is, but i’ll take a stab.

Back in May of this year, they made a change to WK that would unfreeze items you originally learned but then got moved to a higher level. Is this what you’re talking about OP?

I’m in the same boat, I learned 又 years ago, got it to enlightened, and then disappeared from WK for a while. When I came back last year, 又 was frozen at enlightened and waiting for me to reach level 51 (which I happen to be right now). But on May 16 (I was level 36) they made that change, which released 又 back into the review queue and I burned it.

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The OP is talking about the accelerated SRS time frame. Level 1 and 2 items come back faster than all other items. It lets people do the trial levels at a quicker pace. 又 used to be in level 2. It should have been on the accelerated SRS time frame at that point. Then it got moved to 51. It should no longer use an accelerated SRS schedule. It should use the same one as everything else, but apparently it doesnt.

EDIT: Oh were you replying to pragmata, not the OP?


Ah! Thank you, I understand now. How interesting it wasn’t noticed by anyone until recently.

I’m curious, why did 又 get moved up to such a high level when its radical version is at level 2? Is it not a very common kanji or something?

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Yes, the word また is extremely common, and the kanji 又 is very simple, so that was the thought process for putting it in level 2 originally, I imagine.

On jpdb, which tracks vocabulary frequency by kana and kanji, また (in hiragana) appears in 5402 entries on the site, which is close to 100% of the things they keep track of.

又 (in kanji) on the other hand, appears in 261.

So, it’s not completely useless to know. I see it on posters outside sometimes as well. But it’s hard to argue it should be in level 2. The later half of WaniKani is definitely the better place for it.


…honestly I didn’t really notice until now that I didn’t see the kanji or word 又 again at level 2 after I started over with WK. Maybe the fact that I kinda forgot about it just proves that point. :joy:

Yeah, the radical 又 only comes back in the level 3 kanji: WaniKani / Kanji / 友 (Friend, narwhal sitting on a stool). It would make sense to move the radical to level 3 I guess? Or is it common for radicals you learn to not yet be used in the same level by a kanji?

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You don’t unlock the second half of kanji for the level until you Guru the associated radicals [1]. So if the radical is in the level before, that means that 友 will be immediately unlocked when you level up.

  1. well, except for the fast levels ↩︎

Technically, that’s also true in the fast levels, it’s just that you don’t need the second half to level up

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Well, I mean there’s no second half at all since all the kanji are unlocked immediately since there are almost no radicals. I think there’s only around 8 or so radicals in the last 10 levels.

I think there is a second half of kanji in some of the fast levels (though not in all), but you don’t need to Guru all kanji to level up. Just 90% of kanji. So if the new radicals in level X are used in under 10% of new kanji in level X, you can do the second half of the kanji of level X together with the radicals/kanji of the new level X+1.

As you unlock level X+1 you might unlock minor amount of new kanji from level X, the second part of vocabulary of level X, new radicals/kanji/vocab of level X+1, AND the final vocab of level X-1 if that was also a fast level with a few (<10%) remaining kanji left). Those levels seem mental if you try to rush through them.

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That one kanji there uses the one radical on level 51, which is why it’s locked. The “second half” of level 51 does exist, it’s just that it’s after you level up from 51.

Perhaps you’re thinking of the subset of fast levels with actually zero radicals (54, 56, 58), in which case you’ve theoretically gurued all the radicals you need and the point is moot.

(In that case, a second half would only exist if you never gurued a previous level radical but managed to level up anyways without it.)


@svenkevs @uInt2048

Ah, you guys are right. :sweat_smile: I guess I never noticed.

And TIL that @UInt2048 ’s username doesn’t have an L in it. :joy:


I suppose that’s reasonable considering yours isn’t @aIo

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And this is why programmers use fixed width fonts with serifs. :joy:


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