ハピネス・Happiness - Volume 3

About the way 五所 talks with the っす endings (from です): there was a discussion today in the Short Grammar Questions thread about it, and somebody linked to an interesting video from a Youtuber (三本塾 - Sambon Juku) who explains it as a informal male speech pattern (used with friends).

I thought it was interesting how the polite ます forms change to the plain form:
食べます → 食べるっす (though you’d never use 食べるです) or
行きます → 行くっす

Sambon Juku starts all his videos with the greeting ちゃっす:
ちゃっす → ちゃ-っす → こんちゃっす → こんにちわっす → 今日わ (こんにちわ)