シャドーハウス (Beginner Book Club)

Wow, how does WaniKani not have ?? 拭く is such a common word, perhaps obvious by the fact that it’s listed in your table four times! (though also biased by the content of the manga I’m sure)

is often written in kana, but I have seen it in kanji and it’s good to know.

繕う (the usage on page 117) shows up a lot, though I don’t think I’ve seen any other words with that kanji.

恰好 is fairly common, but also often written as 格好, which is in WaniKani.

The ones on page 159 can obviously be ignored. :joy:

The only one of the bunch (other than the page 159 ones) that I didn’t know was , but it has furigana so that’s nice.


I was wondering the same thing.

Although, looking at other manga series I’ve read it’s actually a very uncommon word/kanji apparently (from what I read). In the one manga series I’ve read where it’s used a lot, one of the two main characters wears glasses.

I learned this one from ごちうさ with シャロ (near the end of volume one).

I’m not familiar with it, but doing a search of my manga, all uses of this kanji appear to be this word.


I’ve seen the word quite a bit in other places, but not usually with the kanji; though… I have seen it often enough with the kanji, that I recognized it right before I instinctively Yomichan’d it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Besides 拭く there’s also 拭う. They are both quite common I think. Doing a search through the books on my computer, I found 224 instances of 拭 across 33 books across 5 series (out of 38 books and 7 series).


Week two’s thread is now live:


Week three’s thread is up!

I might not have time to add words to the vocabulary sheet today, so today is your best chance to beat me to filling out the vocabulary words for chapters 3 and 4!


Another week, another two chapters!


@ChristopherFritz Hello :slight_smile:


I’ll have a late start on filling out vocabulary again this week, so feel free to fill out some words before I can!

(Thanks, @seanblue!)


We’re up to week six. Almost at the end of the volume!


Our final week’s thread is up and running:

Poll time!

Offshoot Club?

Would you like to continue reading in an offshoot club?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I’ve already read ahead.
0 voters

Start Date

If you’re interested in an offshoot club, when should we begin volume 2? (Pick any that work for you.)

  • September 2nd (no break)
  • September 9th (one-week break)
  • September 16th (three-week break)
0 voters


What is your situation if you plan to read a physical copy in an offshoot club?

  • I already have volume 2.
  • I plan to buy volume 2 in person.
  • I plan to buy volume 2 online.
  • I’m reading digitally, but I still want to answer this poll.
0 voters

Chapters Per Week

We’ve read volume 1 at two chapters per week. Is this a comfortable pace, or do we want to go a little faster?

If we continue reading two chapters per week, we’ll run out of volumes by about February of 2024 (assuming the series does end by sooner). Then it’s a waiting game for new volumes to release

If we switched to reading three chapters per week, we’d run out by October of 2023.

(Pick any that you are fine with.)

  • Read 2 chapters per week
  • Read 3 chapters per week
0 voters

(I hope it’s okay for me to answer here, this thread looks a little like a ChristopherFritz monologue :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:
Edit: okay I just didn’t scroll very far :sweat_smile:)

I ordered volume 2 yesterday (?) or today (?) omg I’m such a mess when it comes to time haha I’m sorry ^^‘’
I don’t know, when it will arrive… if they’re as fast delivering it as they were with Hunter x Hunter, starting 2nd September should work for me as well but I don’t expect them to be that fast (because they weren’t ever before ^^')

I’m not gonna make all of you wait though, it’s kinda my bad for not ordering earlier hehe ^^’ so please don’t let me hold you back if that’s what you guys want to do :hugs:
I just didn’t expect it to even be an option - offshoot club starting without a pause :see_no_evil:
(that’s not supposed to be any criticism at all! maybe that’s standard, I have no idea ^^’ - (obv.) never partook in one before ^^')

As for the pace I think 3 chapters per week would be too much for me
2 was totally manageable and if my life stays about as busy as it was for the last weeks (or gets a little lazier) - and the difficulty of the manga doesn’t increase by a significant amount, I think I should manage even with the Hunter x Hunter bookclub :innocent: :see_no_evil:


it’s ok …there will probably be some pause… don’t worry too much … even if you start a week late … no one is going to stop you from reading it anyway :wink: there’s no known punishment … :smiling_imp:

and with the teasing master series…eventually we just went from vol to vol… but that’s after everyone sort of settled in… the first offshoot takes a little time and if enough people are interested the organizer usually gives time for everyone to get their copies (as some of us still do like paper).


haha yeah of course xD
It’s just really motivating for me to read with everyone else, I realized
I don’t have to push myself that hard and I (usually) keep going so it’s really a great help
I realized that with Yotsuba&! - I enjoyed the manga very much and I was glad there was help in form of an already finished book club - still I couldn’t keep going/motivate myself enough … not even to finish v1 :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:

As I said, though - please don’t let me be the deciding factor :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:
I’m hopeful that with this series I might manage catching up/sticking to it better - not least because well after all it will still be running, not completely finished :see_no_evil:


I’m waiting for the forum software to scold me for posting too much!

Actually, I was restricted from posting any more here (max: three posts in a row if you didn’t create the thread) until someone else posted :wink:

Worst case scenario, you can view a free preview of volume 2 online which looks like it may cover through the end of the volume’s second chapter. (I didn’t confirm for certain, as I didn’t want spoilers, so I’m basing this on the table of contents and the count of pages available in the preview.)

Typically it isn’t when going from volume one to two, so if “no pause” was highest voted, but the number of people combined who want any length of pause is higher, that would have to factor into it.

I mainly gave that option in case 100% of readers have volume two in hand and were itching to jump right into it.

But so far it’s looking like most people are interested in a break, so that’s highly likely to happen!

For me personally, there’s a struggle between wanting to mention an offshoot club early enough that people can grab volume two, versus not wanting to distract attention from volume one while it’s ongoing.

Although polls tend to be “most votes wins”, when it comes to something like pacing, I give extra weight to those who want a slower pace. That said, it looks like there’s more interest in continuing at two chapters per week.


oh… that seems… kinda counterproductive :sweat_smile: well glad you’re back and the software didn’t do you too much harm :crazy_face:

Oh! That’s great to know! Thank you so much for mentioning it - I wouldn’t even have thought about checking for something like that!!
That would definitely be an option for the first week, then! :smiley:

Yeah I get the struggle…
I’m really glad, though, that it seems like people in general want a break so maybe my book can make it here :blush:

thanks for your words and reassurance :blush:


Has anyone made an off-shoot thread yet?


I haven’t seen this much enthusiasm for an offshoot book club in a while. I’m glad so many people have been enjoying the series so far!


Not yet, but I plan to this week. Friday at the latest.


Poll results time!

We have 17 people interested in reading along in an offshoot club. (Not to mention others who’ve read ahead may follow along with the threads.) I’ll be sure to get the offshoot club thread created =D Likewise the vocabulary sheet for those who want to fill/refer to it.

As for the start date, aside from me thinking September 9th gives a one-week break while September 16th gives a three-week break (hopefully that didn’t confuse anyone who totally wanted a two-week break!), the most votes by a decent margin are for a one-week break.

The offshoot club or volume two will begin on the 9th of September, one week from today.

For series with shorter chapters, I like to check for interest in a faster pace. For Shadows House, the majority would like to continue at two chapters per week, so we’ll do just that!