よつばと! Vol 6 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Page 6

So, the weekly live reading starts volume 6 this week and so I thought I’d give it a read through… didn’t take long before I hit a problem!

でなー おしろつくったんだー

でなー - I guess this is just an opening phrase, to get people’s attention
おしろ - no idea
つくった - made
ん - explanation particle
だー - copula

"So, I made a _____ "


たま - ball
も - also
のった - rode
ちゃんと - properly
した - down
やつ - thing / person (referring to dad?)
だ! - copula

“dad also rode the ball down well”

As you can see, I am totally lost! Thank you for any help you can offer!