ゆるキャン△ Vol. 8 🏕

Volume 8 Discussion Thread

Start Date: 12th June
Previous: Volume 7
Following: Volume 9

ゆるキャン△ Home Thread

Vocabulary List

Please read the editing guidelines in the first sheet before adding any words!

Reading Schedule

Start Date             Chapter                                                              Page Numbers   Page Count
June 12th 41 - 伊豆キャンまであと何日 3 - 26 24
June 19th 42 - 冬の終わりと出発の日 29 - 52 24
June 26th 43 - 下田まであとどれくらい? 55 - 78 24
July 3rd 44 - エビとキンメと犬の島 81 - 104 24
July 10th 45 - 海の風景ヤマの風景 107 - 130 24
July 17th 46 - タ日の温泉と一日の終わり 133 - 156 24
July 24th 番外編 - へやキャン△ 159 - 176 20


There will be participation polls throughout this discussion thread as we reach each chapter :slightly_smiling_face:


@Mods - would you mind making the OP of this thread a wiki, please?


It’s wiki’ed now!


Thank you! :bowing_woman:

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Panic update as I almost forgot to post before getting away from internet.
As I mentioned in the main thread, I’m probably not going to be reachable this week end, so this post is a bit early.

41 - 伊豆キャンまであと何日

Start date: June 12th

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters


Wait, no, you made the second post a wiki instead :joy:
I didn’t realize until now.

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Whoops! There we go :metal:


This week’s chapter is about the second quarter of anime episode 9.

Not much to comment on otherwise. They’re back at school. They do mention a few locations, but I think I’ll mark those when they visit. One thing, though: on page 6, is it weird that Akari calls her elder sister Aoi-chan?

(Fun fact: Ms Tamosaitis finally transliterated 下田 as “Shimoda”. Presumably it’ll be written in romaji somewhere in this volume, then.)


I interpreted it the same way


… I’m really going to just buy the books again in paper form, I really can’t stand the digital version anymore. Anyway.

42 - 冬の終わりと出発の日

Start date: June 19th

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters


This week’s chapter is the second half of anime episode 9.

Rin spends most of this chapter at House of Shima (which is tragically no longer marked as a location on Google Maps), but when she sets out with her Grandpa on page 48, it looks like they go this way, not the shortest route, but still a route suggested by Google Maps - anyone else recognise Lake Motosu at the bottom of page 49? The lower-right panel on that page is this intersection.

They part ways at this 7-Eleven - interestingly enough, the exact same one she (probably) visited when she bought fuel cans for the stove during the クリキャン (which, if you recall, was here), albeit not on-screen.

Page 34, I think personally I’d feel a bit uneasy about having my phone in so flimsy-looking a holder on a bike. If you accidentally knock your phone out of the holder in a car, it lands on the floor, but if you do the same thing on a bike, it’ll land on the road.

Page 44, I feel like this is the longest interaction we’ve seen between Rin and her family (or indeed any adults) so far in this series. It’s a different side of her…

(Fun fact, in the anime, Rin’s grandfather is voiced by the same person who does the narration.)

Proper nouns

Page 43:
咲=さき (Rin’s mother’s name)


I liked that part a lot in this chapter. It was cool seeing the dynamic in her family and a welcome change of pace to the usual banter between the friend group.

That is quite a fun fact. I guess it makes sense, since the grandfather is an experienced camper.


Aaaand once again I am dropping behind.

43 - 下田まであとどれくらい?

Start date: June 26th

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters


This week’s chapter is about the first third of anime episode ten.

All right! We’re on the move! And I dunno about you lot, but this mapping stuff is going to help me quite a bit, because I found myself extremely confused when I read this and other upcoming chapters for the first time in English.

(Though… how much of that is going to turn out to be Ms Tamosaitis’ general difficulty with proper nouns? I read another English-translated manga last week, in which the characters visit a place with a name rendered as “Enojima”, and my immediate first thought was “Well, this sounds like Ms Tamosaitis’ work”. It was. Mind you, it’s entirely possible that it actually was Enojima in the original, as a “We’re at place that’s almost exactly, but not quite, Enoshima” sort of thing, but either way, my guess of who the translator was was bang on. But I digress.)

Geospot 1 (page 60-64): Osezaki. Unfortunately, the whole cape can’t be explored in Street View (there’s some gaps in the coverage), but you can see a fair bit of it. For example here is where Rin is in the final panel of page 60. You can also see images of the trout and the feed-dispensing machines in the uploaded photos.

Geospot 2 (page 65-66): Jouyama. Don’t trust Google Maps’ rendering of the name, it’s Jouyama. [Citation] Though, I would have guessed Shiroyama.

Page 69, apparently not a geospot, but the prawn-in-the-mountains is here.

Geospot 3 (page 71-73): Ryugu Sea Caves.

Page 73, the wasabi ice cream shop (named わさびの店 in real life) is located at Michi-no-Eki Amagigoe. And yeah, the ice cream looks like it does here - a blob of straight wasabi stuck to the side of a vanilla ice cream cone. Or at least vanilla-looking…

Page 74, the Kawazu Nanadaru Loop Bridge is here, and I’ve actually seen this place before, albeit on Google Maps only, while researching the possibility of visiting Kawazu in February during a trip that wound up not actually happening. Maybe in the future… (And it bugs me so much that 七滝 is read as ななだる. Come on, at least read it as ななだ.) The loop is necessary because the road needs to drop by 45 metres vertically, and there’s not much space to do it in. And yeah, Kawazu is known for being the place in Japan where sakura bloom the earliest.

So in summary, Rin’s route looks something like this, while Team Minivan’s route looks like this (albeit without leaving the highway as they passed Jouyama).

Page 55, isn’t this Nadeshiko’s and Akari’s first on-screen meeting?

Page 58, Aki in the first panel, what’s クマ? I mean, I get that she’s talking about the bags under Nadeshiko’s eyes, but I’m having trouble finding it in the dictionary.

Proper nouns

Page 60

Page 62

Page 65

Page 68
蛇石峠=じゃいしょとうげ (probably unnecessary, considering it’s written right underneath)

Page 72

Page 73
天城=あまぎ (written on sign)

Page 75


While reading this chapter today I thought this would be a field day for you @Belthazar. Always a blast to read up on the real world places. Thank you very much for all the effort you put into this!

The クマ in this case is 隈. The definition I found is for 目の隈


Ooops almost forgot to post again.

44 - エビとキンメと犬の島

Start date: July 3rd

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters


This week’s chapter is the second third of anime episode ten.

The Kawazu Sakura Matsuri takes place along the Kawazu River.

Pages 84-85, Rin’s arrival point in Shimoda is Madogahama Umiyu Park (not 海辺 as shown in the manga), which kinda seems to be a bit of an out-of-the-way place to be meeting up - it’s on the far side of town for both Rin and Sensei-tachi. Rin’s “the black ships are coming” is a reference to the fact that Commodore Perry landed a consul at Shimoda to (aha) “negotiate” the end of Japanese isolationism in 1858.

You actually can’t see the torii gate that Rin comments on from the foot bath - at that position, it’s behind Bishako Island. You can, however, see it from over here - still within the park, but unless you’ve got very long legs, you’re gonna have to leave the foot bath.

Page 86, Guruguru Maps. Page 87, the keep out sign is real, but considering there’s people actually on the causeway in this image (and it’s packed in other street view shots), that may be simply advisory. Or time-of-day based.

Page 91, the kinmedai burger shop is Ra-maru, part of Michi-no-Eki Kaitoku Shimoda Minato. The burgers are real. And they do contain camembert. Gonna have to add this place to my list of things to do…

Page 97, the “Maxpower” they visit is Maxvalu. The store they visit on page 98 is Manpo.

Page 103, the place they try to camp for the night is Tsumekizaki. The weird spindly tree at the top of the page can be seen here, and you can also see the booth from page 104 (blue roof and white walls, middle of the view).

Page 81, hyakuman nin? That’s something like thirty thousand people per day! The population of the town is only seven thousand. I’m wondering if I actually want to see the Kawazu sakura after all… (Though, I did attend the Kawagoe Matsuri festival, which attracts a million people in just two days, and survived, so maybe…)

Page 81 final panel, I get the gist here, but what’s どハマり mean, exactly? Jisho’s giving me “perfect obsession”, which doesn’t really work in the context.

Page 86, I’m honestly curious as to the etymology behind “Dog Run Island”. Google’s not coughing up anything for me.

Page 91, Ms Tamosaitis has translated Nadeshiko’s 今日は何日 as “what year is this?”, but I’m prepared to give that a pass, because it’s almost funnier. Just this once.

Page 94, no Sensei. Put down that knife and fork. Burgers are hand food.

Page 104, cliffhanger! No room in the inn! Are they going to have to… uh… camp out?

Proper nouns

Page 86

Page 95

Page 103


My interpretation was that this was derived from the third meaning of はまる in jisho, which is “to fall into; to plunge into; to get stuck; to get caught” どハマり would be something like “absolutely stuck (in the traffic jam)”.


Getting almost one book behind again lesgooo.

45 - 海の風景ヤマの風景

Start date: July 10th

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters


This week’s chapter is the last third of anime episode ten.

First, a side note: You may have heard the news last week of the mudslide in Atami. Atami is actually quite close to where the characters are in this chapter - it’s opposite Numazu at the base of the Ito Peninsula. If the characters had come from Tokyo instead of Yamanashi, or if they’d come by train instead of road, they would have passed through Atami (though near as I can tell, the debris passed under the railway lines without interfering with their operation).

Geospot 4 (pages 107-110) Tsumekizaki, Tsumekizaki Lighthouse and, uh, Tsumekizaki Columnar Joints. (The English version of 110 also reads “Columnar Joints”. Guess Ms Tamosaitis went with Google Maps’ translation rather than try to tackle 俵磯. That’s just a proper noun.)

A number of locations get referred to on pages 114 and 115, but I think I’ll hold off on listing them here until the characters actually visit.

Little bit of a travel montage on 117-119. 伊豆オレンヂの駅 on 117 is 伊豆オレンヂセンター. The 東伊豆町 sign on 118 is here. And the treehouse/campground place with the goat is 細野高原ツリーハウス村.

Geospot 5 (pages 120 to end of chapter) Hosono Plateau. I admit to some uncertainty as to their precise locations in these pages. Page 120 appears to be here. After that, landmarks on Google Maps get a bit sparse, but using the topography map, I’m pretty sure page 125 is here.

So, this chapter is one of the ones where I’m not a huge fan of the shading and/or screentones in this manga. Reading the chapter for the first time, I definitely got the impression that it’s close to sunset the whole time, but it’s actually mid-afternoon - by the time page 140 rolls around (in the next chapter), it’s still only 4pm, but in early March, sunset in Ito is only just short of 6pm.

Page 110, for anyone else wondering what a シルsill is, Wikipedia. Heh. おsillこ. The English version rendered these 汁 puns as “sill’d pork”, “miso silling” and “sill up on eggs”, and what on earth do any of those mean? At least “sill-ky sweet red bean soup” sort of makes sense. They mention the シル/汁 pun in the translators notes, though).

Page 126, I’m curious as to why ビリ means “last place”.

Page 130, cliffhanger! Who won?

Proper nouns

Page 107

Page 109

Page 120