ゆるキャン△ Vol. 6 🏕

:sparkles: 鍋しこちゃん :sparkles:


It looks like commenting is really dying down :sweat_smile:
(I guess I’m not helping… especially since I haven’t start the current volume but at least I own it)

33 - 大問々岬の冬

Start date: March 20th

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters


Well, now that you’ve said that, I actually don’t have much to comment on this chapter. They don’t particularly go anywhere new.

Though, my ground chair’s instructions are printed on the underside of the seat rather than on the bag…

Edit: On closer inspection, same with the chair in the anime. They tweaked it from the manga.

Also, this week’s chapter is the first half of anime episode six. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m still struggling away with the lack of furigana (it is the only manga I’ve ever attempted without those little darlings), but I’m determined to do my best to keep up.

I’d really like to see more character interaction/development and fewer infomercials for campgrounds and camping goods, but we can’t have everything in life.

Now I sound all whiny… I really am enjoying the series :grimacing:


I don’t know what to comment on…@Redglare summed up everything I wanted to say about last weeks, and I haven’t read this week yet. it’s just a comfy series where not a lot happens :sweat_smile:

I guess that’s part of the problem with the bookclub picks tending to be slice of life. once the setting and characters are established there’s just not that much to say


I’ve also fallen behind a good amount (admittedly because I’ve probably taken on too many bookclubs). I think I can technically handle the workload, but after a couple abnormally busy weeks catching up with all my books and SRS has been a nightmare.

Considering half the club members are in the “I’m taking my time” category, might it make sense to take a few weeks off after this volume (at least until コンビニ ends perhaps)?


Half the club members have taken the “laid-back” part of the title too much to heart.

The girls in this series might be laid-back, but they still get things done. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Mind you, it is true that I may have picked up too many novel-type book clubs at once, but they interfere with each other more than they do with my manga reading.)


I’m also in the “juggling too much stuff” category haha. I fell behind on コンビニ人間 so I’ve been playing catchup on that, and my WK reviews are killing me.

I swear I didn’t forget about the girls orz

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I’m currently on a quest to reach 100 活字 (so, not manga) books over a 365 days sliding window. That is, I am currently racing myself from one year ago. I’m currently at 96 books, but past self isn’t cutting me any slack.
This is all @Kumirei’s fault.

Edit: I meant to say that manga are getting on the back-burner for now.


100 books! You’re living the dream!

I am yet to unlock the novel-reading achievement. I’ve tried on quite a few occasions but never seem to finish them. Need to stop getting caught up in every (ooh! shiny!) book club that comes along and stick with the ones I’m already in.


I’m not sure why it is my fault, but I take full responsibility


You tempted me.


Ah yes, I did do that


Yeah, that’s the biggest gripe for me too with the manga. All the place, food and camping gear names. Reading them once or less a week just doesn’t do it for me. But I think there’s way less of all that in the recent volumes compared to the beginning. Or maybe it just feels like it.

The second thing that bugs me is the shading. I think it was touched upon in one of the first threads, but to me a lot of the panels would look so much better and easier on the eyes if it wasn’t for the thick scanline shading. :laughing:

I always feel a bit bad when I see a book club thread with almost no comments. I think I used to comment/ask questions a lot more when I was newer. But nowadays I usually plug everything into ichi.moe or occasionally Deepl to see if I can make sense of it and most of the time it’s enough or I just move on.
Dunno if that’s a bad approach or not.

(On top of that I never really was someone who discusses stories or characters, mostly just mundane “I liked x” or similar comments if at all. :sweat_smile:)


Same for me, and when I started to get into reading a lot of other people already asked the questions that I had, so I never really got used to asking questions in general (which is probably not the best thing to get used to :sweat_smile:). Nowadays I can somewhat weasel my way through sentences, where I have problems, or I just throw them at Deepl if I’m really lost.


Already the last story chapter of the book…

34 ストーブを囲んで

Start date: March 27th

  • I’m reading along :books:
  • I’m taking my time :camping:
  • I’m dropping out :no_good_man: :no_good_woman:

0 voters



This week’s chapter is the second half of anime episode six. (Fun fact: last week’s episode, number 11, is the first to cover chapters I haven’t read yet in English. I do have said chapters in Japanese, mind, but unread.)

No new real-world locations, again. That said, from page 150, 池池 is not a real brand of sake, but is.

Even ignoring the unexpectedly cold temperatures, this outing seems to have suffered from a critical lack of advance planning - they would have been too late to buy firewood either way. Though I guess it’s possible the manager went home early because it was so cold.

Page 146, what exactly is the deal with the “tablecloth!” cult? It’s actually come up a few times in the anime before (but curiously not in this scene), always in people’s imaginations, but I’m reasonably sure this is the first time we’ve seen it in the manga. Aside from the KKK-esque outfits, is it intended to be a reference to anything in particular?

Page 148, the anime made one curious change here: the girls actually noticed their phones were running flat due to the cold much earlier, while they were still sitting by the lake and before they start drinking rum, and they turned them off to preserve the remaining dregs of power for emergencies. I guess it makes them look at least a little less careless?



I kinda like that there’s a scene where they’re woefully underprepared…that’s also a part learning to camp :sweat_smile:


On page 137 the pipe of the heater seems to be close to the peak of the roof, but on the next page the heater oven thingie is shown to be close to the tent wall, kind of down there in the corner of the tent. How does that work?!?

Click for images


(p. 151)